

Birth: C-section after a long night of labor.



Michael Allan was born on April 18th at 10:11pm. Michael weighed 9 pds 3ounces and was 22 inches long. I went in to be induced at 6am and after finding out at 3pm my water was not broken all the way, we knew we were in for a long night. Once my water broke the contractions and whole birth process went fast!!!! It went so fast, Michael had a problem handling the contractions and his heart rate dropped down to 20. I was immediately taken off the pitocin and Michael was immediately suctioned and monitered. As soon as the pitocin was shut off, and Michael was taken care of, his heart rate jumped back up to 130-140 range. I went from 5cm to 10 cm in a hour and a half!!! After pushing for 1 and a half hours we found out that Michael's head was being stopped by my pelvic bone. At that time, I was told that I needed a C-Section. That was very frustrating after such a long night. From prep to delivery the C-Section took about 1 hour. When DH and I heard Michael's cry, we could not hold back the tears. All the hard work was worth it!!! He is the most precious child that we could of ever asked for. Everytime I look into his eyes, I thank God for giving me this beautiful child. Bless all the families who were given such a wonderful blessing as ours and bless all the new babies who have brought love into our lives. Cynthia