

Birth: Waters broke in midwife office. Pitocin and Stadol.



Our little angel, Brandon Joseph Choncek, was born on 4/17 at 1:56pm...weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. I have to say he's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on!!


Here's our story: DH & I went to the 40 week appointment on Thursday, 4/16 at 5:00pm and believe it or not, my water broke in the Midwife's office!!! She felt that there was not need to go to the hospital yet, and sent us home to wait for contractions to begin.


Irregular contractions started around 7:30pm and finally evened out around midnight when they were 5 minutes apart. They stayed at 5 minutes all night but became more and more intense. Finally at 7:15am we headed to the hospital to be checked. I was still only about 3cm at that point so they decided to start Pitocin.


As the contractions became more intense, I decided I needed something for the pain... I was at 4-5cm and they gave me Stadol (sp) and Benadryl. This really got things going - but I felt so out of it. (Kind of a drunk feeling) I don't think I'll go for that with the next baby! Anyway, I went from 5 to 8cm in no time. Before much longer, I wanted to start pushing... After only about 30-40 minutes (but seemed like an eternity) of pushing, I heard my wonderful DH's words "It's a boy!" After he was placed on my chest, they checked all his vitals and gave him back to us to hold. He was so beautiful...the feeling of love for him was unbelievable!!


I had quite an audience for the delivery. Along with DH, the Midwife, the nurses, there were also 3 or 4 students who I allowed to see the birth. They were all wonderful... actually cheering me on and fanning me because I was so hot!! Everyone was in tears when Brandon arrived! My DH was the best coach I could ask for. I know I couldn't have done it without him holding me and talking me through it. If possible, I think we both fell even more in love with each other that day!


My dad was the first to arrive and hold Brandon Joseph. Grandpa was quite pleased at the suprise of having his Grandson's middle name after him! Soon the rest of the family arrived and little Brandon started to receive all the love from his wonderful family. He has alot to look forward to.


Sorry this is so long. My wish is for all of your to have a wonderful birth experience. See you in the Playgroup!!


Connie and Chris, proud parents