

michelle zenie (colesmum)

william cole (cole) on 4/26/98 at 11:14 am

8 lbs, 13 1/2 oz

20 1/2 in

vaginal birth with epidural




One year ago, at this exact moment, I was thanking God for the creation

of epidurals!


My due date was 4/ dear departed grandma's birthday and my

sister-in-law's due date! Around week 36, I thought I broke my water and

ended up in the ER. False alarm...just leaky urine. How embarrassing! At

my week 37 appointment, I found out I was 3 cm and 80% effaced...woo

hoo...I was so excited! I went home and called everyone, packed my bag,

finished last minute details. Even my doctor said, "I'm sure I'll see

you before your next appointment!" One week later, I was back for my

appointment - what do you know, doc! - and was only 1 cm, 60% effaced. I

was SOOO disappointed! Logically, I knew it would happen eventually, but

I was convinced emotionally that I'd be pregnant forever. Strange

because I actually loved being pregnant and part of me was sad to see it

come to an end. But I just wanted to meet and hold this little person so

badly. I just could't wait. But wait I did.


For about three weeks, I lingered at this stage...a few cms

dilated...contracting off and on. It was a long three weeks. Finally, on

April 26th, I couldn't take any more. I was HUGE, we knew the baby was

big, and I was afraid I'd end up with a c-section. So at 1:00 am, I took

at spoonful of castor oil in a mouthful of rootbeer and went back to

bed. At 5:30, I awoke to a "popping" - partly a noise, partly a feeling.

I headed for the bathroom and realized my water had broken. Contractions

started immediately - three minutes apart. We were off to the hospital.

I was 4 cm and 100% effaced when I got there. While in the shower, the

contractions became unbearable and one on top of the other. I made it

out to the toilet, but had to stop was the only comfortable

position. I labored there for a little and decided I wanted the

epidural. I had them check me again...I was 6-7 I said

(screamed??) "give me the epidural!" That went in around 9:30. At 10:20

when my doctor came in, I was complete. I couldn't believe it had gone

so fast. In fact, when she said, "You're ready to push!" I replied, "No,

I'm not!" But at 10:30 I started and at 11:14 am on April 26th, William

Cole emerged...all 8 pounds, 13 1/2 ounces of him. My three distinct

memories of the moment are: 1) everyone yelling "he's sooo big!" 2) the

doctor saying "Say hello to your son!" and 3) best of all, feeling a

tear from my husband hit my arm. It was truly the most amazing moment of

my life...and each moment since has been wonderful. Sometimes really,

really hard...but always wonderful. I can't imagine my life without

him...he is my sunshine. Happy Birthday, COLE!!!!