
Parents: Michelle and David
Baby: Jack Dylan
Date: March 31, 1998 (due April 22)
Time: 9:43pm
Birth: Relatively pain free and fast delivery (4 cm to delivery in an hour)

Had bad back ache and cramping so knew that it could be early labour sign. Figured I'd wait till morning when I had my next appointment at the doctors already scheduled. Arrived to find that my Dr was at the hospital delivering a baby but that a nurse could see me. I told them that I'd rather wait to see my Dr because of the symptoms I was having and because my first child arrived in just five hours. With this comment they called the hospital and my Dr asked that I join him there so he could check me.(It was about 11 o'clock in the morning) I called my friend to let her know that I would be late for our shopping spree. (I was supposed to go shopping for nightgowns etc.. as I hadn't packed my hospital bag yet.) Well I went to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors to find out that I was having contractions and just couldn't feel them. They tried to stop me going into labour and were unsuccessful and so I was admitted into the hospital at around three o'clock. I wanted my daughter to come and see me in bed with I.V. etc... while I was still able to smile. My Dr was waiting for me to give him the go ahead to break my waters and he wanted my husband to be back before doing anything. Well two hours later my husband returns, he's taken my daughter to my Mum's and been shopping for 8mm film for the video camera etc... We called my Doctor and he arrived at about 5:30. At 9:43 on March 31st we welcomed Jack Dylan into the world. He wasn't due until April 22nd so we were very pleased that he was perfectly healthy. He received the same apgar score (9 and 9) as my daughter who was 2 days late. He's so tiny and gorgeous and the delivery was easy. For all you 1st time Mums who are waiting to deliver please think positively and don't listen to the horror stories that people are so willing to scare you with. You may be as fortunate as me and be able to have a relatively pain free delivery (4cm to delivered in under an hour) Hang in there your about to perform the most worthwhile, productive job you'll ever be required to do. By the way my pregnancy was very uncomfortable the second time and I was beginning to get miserable. It just shows you how unpredictable every pregnancy is. I'm not even supposed to be in this April Club now but I think I'll stay.