Wow, I can't believe it has gone by so quickly. It is a somewhat sad and happy time for me. This is my last little bundle of joy and her passing into

toddlerhood is quite a step for us. I am excited one minute and crying the next. I guess life does go on.... Well as I started to say. This time last year I was

finally getting regular contractions. I hope you don't mind but I joined late and never posted my birth story either so here goes. I had had the Braxton Hicks

contractions that I am sure so many of you were familiar with for many months of my pregnancy. Well, this particular night they finally started coming on a

regular interval. I was so happy as I was a week late the way it was. MY mom was over since my DH works 3rd's and she had started spending the night

after I was overdue. We waited until 12:00 and by then I had contractions every 5 mintues for 1 hour. Well, my labor starts out at 5 minutes apart so this

was normal. It turned out to be the only "normal" thing that night but anyway. We decided it was time to get the hubby home from work and call my dad to

watch the other kids. My brother was home so he came and stayed here so my dad could come too. We got to the hospital at 12:15 totally expecting a baby

in an hour or two. My first labor was 6 hours and my second was only 4 so we were expecting (hoping) this would be quick too. Well as we all know things

never go as expected and they took me up to my room and hooked up all the monitors. The contractions were still coming although they still were not very

intense and having done this before I knew they needed to be stronger, but being over I was there and NOT going home until I had a baby..They offered to

let me walk and I jumped at the chance figuring it would get things going. WRONG, the contractions stopped!! UGH, I walked for awhile and then they

hooked me back up to check things out. They then had me sit in a chair and try a different position, but that didn't work. We tried the ball and no luck there

either. BY this time my Dr. was there as they had called him since we all thought I was gonna go quick. He decided to break my water and I was thrilled as

this really got things going with #2. But, no luck with that either. We then tried the jacuzzi. I will admit it was nice and relaxing but no luck with getting the

contractions back. BUMMER!! I should mention that my other labors were on there own. I had no drugs for any and they progressed just fine. Well, by this

time it is 8:00 a.m. and so much for the "quick" labor we had thought would happen. Now, my Dr. says he wants to start the "pit". UGH, I have heard about

this. He says unless we want to wait for these contractions to do something we need to do this to get it over. Okay, I want to be done so we finally did that

and wow, they kicked in right away. So finally he went to his office and left me to continue. I was ready to push at 10 something. LOL He comes over from

his office and then tells me to wait. Ha not a chance buddy. Not now. I am ready to be done!! So I go ahead and FINALLY at 10:25 A.M. Kristin Ann

decides to join the world. SHe is the light of my life and I love her so much. I am so thrilled we made the decision to have one more as I can't imagine life

without her or any of my kids. I want to say thanks for all you guys for being a teriffic bunch of people and I am glad to have found this board. Happy

Birthday to all these wonderful babies and my congrats to all the lucky mommies!!!! Barb