
Parents: Audra and Emmanuel
Baby: Gabriel Thomas
Born: Tuesday, April 14th
Time: 2:27 am
Weight: 7 lbs. 9 oz.
Length: 19 1/2 inches

I'm so ecstatic!! Gabriel Thomas was born Tuesday, April 14th at 2:27 am, and is just the most adorable little thing I've ever seen! He's 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 1/2 inches, and was born just 2 1/2 hrs after his due date! I have to admit, I'm just so *proud* of myself that I have to share my birth story (sorry, probably long).

I woke up with some mild contractions early Monday morning, and DH stayed home from work. But, the false labor thing was getting old for me, and I decided this wasn't "it" again, and sent him to work. But still, I decided to try and keep things going by walking, and due to the sleet outside, had to walk laps around our tiny apartment all day. By that afternoon, I had a few that made me think this could be "it" after all, and called DH, but I said that I still really wasn't sure. He works 60 miles away and was home in 30 minutes, I don't even want to think about that drive- LOL.

Anyway, I walked those annoying laps for hours, and still the contractions were only 12 minutes apart- but strangely, lasting up to 2 minutes and *really* strong (back labor, I knew it! :( ). But, actually it was a real bonding experience as DH helped me relax through contractions Finally, I broke down sobbing, sure that this was going to go on for days-one of those horrendous 96 hour labors I've heard of. Then, WOW, a MAJOR contraction hit, 3 minutes long, and all of a sudden they were coming every 6 minutes, and I was at that "serious" emotional signpost. After 2 hours of that, we decided to head for the hospital (another 60 mile drive, through sleet and snow, of course). During the ride, they began coming 2 to 3 minutes apart- what a drive that was! Well, at the hospital I was 6 cm, they said "great", I thought "only 6?!" But an hour of hard labor later I was at 8 cm. Sometime during that time I had made DH change me out of my black socks into white ones so I didn't look stupid (?!?! who cares about that during labor?) The next hour of transition I spent screaming my lungs out- no more "floating like a leaf over the pain" for me!

Then here's where it got crazy- I HAD to PUSH! And push and push and push, there was NO stopping it! My doctor wasn't even there yet, and needless to say there was no time for careful stretching of the perineum. Luckily, my perineum was spared any trauma, but I can't say the same for that poor right labia- OUCH! But in less than 9 minutes of pushing, little Gabriel arrived in the world!! It was the most triumphant, proud, beautiful moment of my life as they placed him on my chest. I can't even begin to describe the love I feel for him- I LOVE HIM!!!!!

As soon as he was born, I realized that everything I went through, the pregnancy, the wait, the birth, was NOTHING; I would have gone through a million times more discomfort and waiting and pain for him. So for anyone still waiting, don't be discouraged; as soon as you're holding your precious baby you'll realize that they are worth every bit of it- and a whole lot more!

Well, thanks for reading this far- sorry so long! Best wishes to all of you, I couldn't have coped at times during this pregnancy if it wasn't for the wonderful people of this board!

Audra and Gabriel (who's sleeping soundly on DH's chest right now :) ) (In case anyone is interested, pictures of our little Gabriel are posted at