To the April 1998 Playgroup's

Who's Who Pages!


All of our toddlers were born or due in April 1998. We invite all parents with children this age to join our group. Please tell your friends and family about us. Our doors never close!

We hope you will friendship, support, advice, encouragement, understanding, and patience for your new toddler here.


All members of our group are posted here, in alphabetical order by username. If you need to add or update your information, please see the instruction page.


Please email unicorndancer with any problems or questions. Thanks.




to Usernames #-K

to Usernames L-Z

to Non-Active Members

to Our Angels 


 to April 1998 Playgroup Board


to Toby's Birth Stories

to Catherine's Baby List

to Kathy's Online Cookbook

to Dierdre's Photo Album



 to April Flowers -- April 1999 Playgroup


We owe our existance to and and their sponsors; without them, our playgroup would not exist. So thank you to everyone who works for them...You're Great!

We do not necessarily endorse the links in this banner.