
Mom: Antionette

Baby: Alexa

Born: Friday, March 20, 1998

Time: 4:02 am

My water broke at 1:00 am on Friday March 20th. I didn't have any contractions beforehand. The contractions started 20 minutes later. I called my OB and she said come to the hospital (since we knew the baby was breech and I would have a c-section). When I got to the hospital I was already 6 cm dilated and the contractions were getting closer. But I must say they were not too horrible. I got a spinal tap and the surgery began!

Alexa was born at 4:02 am and scored a 9.9 on her Agpar. She is doing wonderful. I just got home from the hospital yesterday and of course my abdomen still hurts, but the medication helps. Breastfeeding is coming along slowly.

I'll keep you all up to date as I get a chance.

Congrats to all who have had their babies and best of luck to everyone else over the weeks. I can't wait to talk with you all in the April playgroup!!!
