Mom: Andrea
Baby: Lauren
Born: April 7, 1998
Time: 5:07 pm
Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 19 inches
Birth: Forcepts delivery with epidural
I've been wanting to get on line forever to post about our Lauren and hear about all the April babies. How exciting!
Wow, Childbirth...what a profound experience. I'm still amazed/in shock about the even that happened last week.
I went into labor at about 9pm on Monday April 6 and went into the hospital at about 1 am April 7 only to be sent home because I was only dilated to 1 cm (even after spending two hours walking the hospital halls). I lost my mucous plug at about 4:30 am and at about 9:15, when the contractions were 3 minutes apart and WAY more intense than before, we headed back to the hospital. (I was so embarrassed about going so early the night before I made us wait as long as possible). Needless to say I didn't sleep AT ALL that night so I was exhausted.
At the hospital they determined I was dilated to 3 cm and shortly after I arrived my water broke (WOW - what a gush of water. I was astonished at how much poured out!) After my water broke the contractions were 100x more painful so I told my DH to let the anesthesiologist know I'd give her $100 if she came in to do my epidural before anyone elses). I had wanted to go without medication but had told myself if it was a long labor and didn't seem to be moving along as fast as I'd like, I'd get the darn epidural. I think I would have died if I hadn't gotten it - or wished I was dead.
At some point during the labor, there was a concern for the baby's heartrate. The nurses ran in when the monitor showed the heart rate dipping and it scared the heck out of me. The heart rate was an issue until the end and the baby had to be delivered with forceps to get her out sooner - without me having to push as much - which was causing the heart rate to dip further.
At 5:07 pm (PST) Lauren was born at last. She weighed 7 lb 3 oz and is 19 inches long. DH and I are in love with this beautiful baby (I've even cought DH with tears in his eyes when he looks at her).
Congrats to all the other moms and good luck with all the deliveries yet to happen. I'll be thinking of you all. It's an incredible experience - painful and wonderful all at once.
Andrea and Lauren (6 days old today)