Birth: Fast labor but back labor.
My water broke at 5:17 am Tuesday 21st so I called my doctor right away since it was merconium stained. He advised me to shower, then go straight to the hospital.. at that time my contractions hadn't started and didnt until I had just hung up the phone with him. And OOOOHH Boy, they came on quick and hard (back labor). they were 2 1/2 minutes apart and very steady. I rushed my shower, which I now wish I had just gone straight to the hospital. I had already been dialated 4 cms for 3 1/2 weeks so I wasnt too surprised when the nurse told me I was already dialated 6-7 once I reached my L/D room. They hooked up an IV and put those electrodes on my chest because I had intended on getting an epidural. Just 5 minutes later the nurses told me that by the time the blood tests arrived from the lab and my epidural kicked in I would already be holding my baby. That was when I decided to take the Stadol they offered. And that one dose was all I was given, and in only 4 pushes I was holding my baby boy. He was born at 7:43 am. weighing 6lbs 14oz, with beautiful red hair and the nurse said, blue eyes.
I didnt cry until I was holding him in my arms looking into his beautiful sweet eyes, holding his tiny lil fingers in mine. That was by far the most beautiful experience I have ever had. Now that I'm holding him in my arms, I can see now all the beauty this life has to offer. I know that each day that goes by with him in my arms and suckling on my breasts that nothing could be more precious than life. As each day goes by and I see his lil hands get bigger, and his lil goo's and gaa's turn into words, nothing will ever mean so much to me than to know that I'm his mom, the one he's been so dependant on from the first moment when his life was concieved. I guess all I'm really trying to say is.. I love him.
Amelia & Jerry