Induced with Pitocin/ C-Section- Failure to progress
Parents: Scott and Allison Josephson
Baby: Sarah Ann Josephson
Born: April 21, 1998 @ 12:32a.m.
Due: April 20, 1998
Weight/Length: 8lbs. 3oz., 20in.
It all started Sunday April 19th, when I received a few pains in my back while sitting at the table
eating breakfast with my mom who just came into town the day before. I said, "Hmmm, this is
weird, I am getting passing pains in my back." My mom responded that it could be contractions.
I did not think so because I expected pains in my stomach. So we decided to go walking. My
husband was nervous but he allowed us to go as long as I took the cellular phone. We walked a
mile and a half expecting it to progress labor but nothing happened, in fact it stopped, so we went
on with our day.
That night around midnight, I had trouble sleeping. And then, I started feeling those passing
back pains again. They came around every 20 minutes. I did not wake Scott up because I
thought that it wasn't anything. By 3 a.m., I decided to go into the living room where my mom
was sleeping. I sat around and dealt with the pain for about 2 hours when I woke my mom up.
She started timing them more officially by 7:30 when we got to every 3-5 minutes. My husband
was up getting ready for work, clueless as to what was happening. I finally told him and he
became really nervous. We called the doctor's office and Dr. Stephenson called us back. Scott
talked with the Dr. who wanted to speak to me. She asked me about the contractions (frequency
and duration). She asked me which hospital that I wanted to go to. Our insurance allowed us to go to any of the hospitals in the area and our doctors office requested that we do not choose the
facility until labor because if the labor doctor was already at one of the hospitals that they want
us to go there. But I was lucky, Dr. Stephenson was not at any hospital yet so I chose Western
Wake Medical Center. They have a new Birth Place Pavilion where they have huge rooms and
great equipment.
I then called my Stepmom to come over and go to the hospital with us. Scott and I then called
work to let our respective managers know what was going on (we both work for the same
company). I faced reality that I was going to have back labor. We went to the hospital and I tried
to deal with the contractions while sitting in the car. Scott tried to start some relaxation
techniques, but I was not "in the mood" to start them. At the hospital, we went to the admission
desk, to fill out some paperwork. We all (Mom, Scott, and Stepmom) went to the Triage room. I
was checked out by a LandD nurse who determined that I was only 2cm dilated. I thought that I
was further along. I wanted something to drink, the nurse said that it was okay but she did not
recommend it because I would throw it up later (big mistake to follow that advice). My dad
came and I was happy to see him, but wondered if he was going to get grossed out with all this.
The nurse sent us walking in the huge hallway of the Pavilion. All of my family helped with
labor, by applying pressure on my back during contractions. I walked around for an hour or so,
we were having a good time between the contractions. My friend, Tess Berger, called to see how
I was doing...I ended the conversation when another contraction came. When Dr. Stephenson
came to the hospital, she checked me out and determined that I was in early labor and to go home.
They told me to walk around a lot and to eat lightly. The Dr. wanted to come into the office for
my original appointment at 3:40pm.
We all went home. I had a few spoonfuls of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and tried to relax for a
few minutes. Then Scott and my mom tried to get me out to walk. We must have walked around
our parking lot for about 45 minutes or so. I wanted to lay down for a bit. I felt pretty bad. I
started to doubt my abilities to go through this. Then I had to go to the bathroom and I noticed
some fluids coming out when I went. I thought that my water had broken so we called the Dr.'s
office again. They told us that they were pretty booked but to come in for a labor check. At the
worst, I would have to wait a little bit in the waiting room. Scott, my Mom, and my Step-mom all
came to the Dr.'s. I rode in the back of the mini-van kneeling down over the back bench. Well
they took me right in and I waited in the room for about 5 minutes. Dr. Stephenson came in and first
determined that my water had not broken. I immediately became disappointed but then she said,
"You did it. You're dilated to 4.! Let's go!". I was excited but the contractions obviously were
getting stronger and there wasn't much time to celebrate.
The hospital staff immediately led me right in to Room#5. Ironically this room was the room
that we had seen during the hospital tour and it was also the room that I looked at the whole time
when I was pregnant when driving by (neat coincidence). I got undressed again into those pink
gowns. I walked and walked around the Pavilion again. I had a cherry ice pop to keep me from
being so thirsty. I was intermittently put on the monitors, which I absolutely hated!!! This was
awful with my back labor. We still managed to have some fun. My Dad came back to the
hospital and even did some work in the coach's lounge. My Step-mom took pictures of me while I
was in labor and during contractions! At first, I was skeptical at her taking photos but I am SO
glad that she did because now I have some "memories" of labor. (We should have videotaped time!)
Everyone took turns of applying pressure on my back. Dr. Stephenson came back a couple of
hours later around 3:30pm. She asked how was I doing. I said okay... She wanted to know if I
wanted my water broken. I was unsure but she said that it might speed things up a bit. Scott and I
agreed and that there were not many risks involved. I expected a big gush but it was like a small
one. I asked the doctor if I could take a jacuzzi...especially since my water was broken. She said
that it was no problem but I had to wait until they monitored me so more. Well Diana, my day
nurse, told me that it would be 5 more minutes of monitoring. 15 or so minutes later, I got fed up
and my family started unhooking me from the monitors. So I took a jacuzzi and sat down. Diana,
the nurse came in and yelled at us for unhooking me from the monitors. I apologized but I
couldn't take being on my back anymore. I loved the was so soothing.
I now had to be monitored me more frequently. Contractions were getting harder. We played my
meditation music. My Mom helped me with my relaxed breathing. (Looking back...I did not
really utilize many of my Bradley techniques...a regret but now I will be better prepared for next
time.) Sitting in bed was agonizing. Dr. Stephenson came in and told us that she was leaving and
that Dr. Anthony was coming to take over for the evening. We were happy because Dr. Anthony
was my favorite!
Dr. Anthony came by on he way home from the office to check in. He asked me how was I doing
and passed by the question if I was feeling anything in my rectum. I was feeling the potential to
have to go to the bathroom. So he decided to do a quick check. I had dilated from 4 - 7cm fairly
quickly, but not far enough yet. He went home to change and come back. I begged and begged to
get out of bed. I was at the very least to be monitored on my side. I was able to get up and lean
over the birthing ball for a little bit.
My brother David came by after work. We were one happy family (except me)! The next events
are a little of a blur for me but all I remember is that the "family" was hungry, ordered pizza, and
started to watch Jerry Springer. It was cute...I wasn't mad but wished that I could enjoy the
same! Funny enough, my family told me after that they had offered pizza to Dr. Anthony who at
first didn't want it but he came back an hour later and asked if the offer was still valid. Thankfully
there were two pieces left! During this time my brother Tony and Aunt Pauline called to wish me
luck and see how I was doing.
Dr. Anthony came periodically in. He then wanted an internal fetal monitor. I wasn't crazy
about this because of the way it was inserted into the baby's head. But, I trusted Dr. Anthony.
Around that time, I started to fold. I also got a new nurse, Annie. Annie was very nice. I really
liked her. I kept telling my family that I couldn't do this anymore. I was going on 19 hours of
labor. I couldn't take it.
Dr. Anthony came by for another check. I expressed this and he asked me if I wanted some Stadol
and I replied, "I want something to take care of this pain in my back..." He replied that I the only
thing that would do that would be is to have an epidural. Scott and I talked...I looked at my family,
we all decided that I had enough and consented for the epidural. I was mad at myself for doing this
but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get an I.V. because I was also dehydrated (great
advice...don't drink anything because you will throw up...but dehydrating is better...sorry for
being sarcastic). Dr. Woodard came in about 10 minutes later. He wanted me to sit up while he
put the epidural in but I had the internal monitor in. So I had to lean on my side. Dr. Woodard
kept on calling me Angel and I thought to myself that he must have gotten my name wrong. I
thought that this would have been really painful but it wasn't too bad. Within 5-10 minutes I felt
a whole lot better. It was amazing...I was a different person. My brother David commented that
he could see the whites of my eyes! I was almost embarrassed to feel good because I had
"folded". I had practiced to do this naturally. I had failed. Well there wasn't too much time to
feel this way because things changed. Dr. Anthony examined me again and said that I was stuck
@ 7cm. We were all disappointed. He recommended that I get some Pitocin (something else
that I thought that I would never get)...but we consented... Dr. Anthony alluded that if things
didn't change that there was a potential for a C-section. I was like "No way!".
So we waited, watched TV and waited. I spoke on the phone some more. It started to get late. At
around 10 pm, I had gotten to 9cm which was good, but Dr. Anthony started to get a little more
concerned. Our baby had started to show some tiring signs. Dr. Anthony decided to wait another
hour. I started to get really nervous. A C-section was the last thing that I thought would happen.
I couldn't have a C-section. I went to classes...studied..researched...practiced ...did the exercises,
no way could this happen to me. In the meantime, I had noticed that my hand had swollen up.
They had to re-do my I.V. Ouch, but not too bad. During this time, we found our that Annie our
nurse was 39 weeks pregnant and she has been having contractions for the past few days!
Well the hour went by and Dr. Anthony came in. This was the moment of truth. I was STILL at
9cm. Oh, no! Dr. Anthony said that it was either we wait an hour more and chance an emergency
C-section or do a regular C-section now. Well there was no way that I wanted an emergency C-section. So I looked at Scott and started to cry. I looked at my family. We all knew what the right
thing to do was. We said okay let's do the C-section now. Annie had left us alone for a little
while for us to talk. She knew that I was not very happy. Annie came back in to shave me but
thank G-d that it was only a little bit. Scott had to get dressed in scrubbs but the hospital had
paper-type disposable ones. He could not fit in them...they were not made for tall people! Annie
eventually got him the cloth ones. Scott had to use hair caps for his feet. It was time to say good
bye to my family. I and everyone else started to cry. I was scared and so were they.
They walked me out as far as they could go. It was late. I joked that the hospital put the Atrium
in for me to look at while being wheeled up. Dr. Anthony and Annie helped wheel me in with
Scott. They took us into this really, really small room, in fact Scott had to wait outside until they
got me set on the operating table. I did not like being away from him for what was minutes but
seemed like forever. The nurse anesthetist was really nice and told me what was going on the
whole time. Scott came in sat down right by me. The nurses put my arms on these arm
extender things. I remember one of the nurses asking me if I felt anything to make sure that I
could not feel anything. I didn't...whew! Some time went seemed like a long time. Scott
was great during this time...keeping me calm and telling me how much he loved me. I heard I
think, Annie say, "What a Sweetie!...Oh, I don't know if it's a boy or girl but he/she is cute!".
And then we heard the best cry in the world. My eyes just started tearing and tearing. Dr.
Anthony then told us that it was a beautiful girl!.
Next Annie called Scott to come over and be with Sarah, yes that's right Sarah Ann Josephson
while they were checking her out. Scott was reluctant to go because he wanted to be by my side.
I told him that he must go and be with our little daughter, Sarah. I wished that I could have been
there with him but I am glad that at least one of us was there. But the best of all is that Scott got
to bring Sarah over to me. All I wanted to do was to hold her but I had to wait another 5 or 10
minutes until they were done with me. I kept on crying. Sarah just looked at me with those
gorgeous apple eyes of hers. She kind of had her hands folded, like she was inspecting me. It
was funny because I looked at her nails and saw that they were long, so I joked, "She needs a
manicure!." At last I got to hold her while they brought us back to our room. Well Sarah got to
meet the family and I got to breastfeed her about 1 hour after she was born for about 10 minutes.
She drifted off into a comfortable slumber. Boy, or rather girl, this was a long but great day!
And this leaves us to the end of Sarah's birth story. Actually, it's not the end...but the start of a
new chapter. Hopefully I will be able to chronicle our life events as the come about. But most of
all, Sarah, my darling, I love you so much, you make our lives so much more meaningful. Thank
you for being you.