

Birth: Full moon arrival. Epidural did’t work.



Hi everyone!


I used to be a member on this board back during the first trimester but then the holidays started and we had family visit and kids ill, etc and I never got a chance to really post and after a while I figured no one would remember me, but I just can't resist letting you all know the great news about my little Easter present!


Benjamin Hunter arrived Easter Sunday at 323am, 9lbs 5.9 ozs and 20" long. My water broke on Saturday night (full moon worked for me!) and they told me to come in since this was my 4th delivery. We arrived and were settled in the labor room by 11pm and as one am rolled around with no real contractions the doctor suggested starting pitocin. We agreed as we had friends watching our three boys and we didn't want to drag this out with it being Easter :) They had plans for an egg hunt with other friends later that day! At around 130am the contractions started and after just a few the nurse noticing how hard it was getting for me to manage them discreetly left and got the doctor who came and checked me. I thought this was a waste of time but to my surprise I was all ready at 4cm's and 75% effaced. He said the magic words, you can have your epidural now :) Well wouldn't you know my luck, the epidural did not work.....I clung to my DH crying in pain while the man tried and tried to get it in and then he finally did nothing! They kept trying and trying but it never worked, around 3 I was at 6cms and the pressure was building horribly and shortly after that it became so bad I told dh to get nurse back in there because I was pushing now! Nurse came back and said I am complete, doctor confirmed and I pushed Ben out fast! I couldn't stand the pressure so I tried to get it over as fast as I could. He was born after just two hours of labor and recieved severe bruising on his face from the rapid birth (so did my second and third babies). He had low blood sugar (so did my third baby who was also 9.5) and he had some formula right away to bring it up. His apgars were 7 and 9 and after some jaundice and phototherapy he is doing great now! I had a second degree episiotomy due to his big shoulders and of course the horrible hemorrhoids that are healing really slow but otherwise i'm doing fine. Its great looking back and recognizing all of you and reading your birth stories, I can't beleive we've had our babies all ready and April is over tomorrow! I will be joinging you all in the April playgroup and look forward to getting to know you all again!


Melissa Mom to Jake 5, Mike 3.5, Brad 2 and Ben 2wks!