Parents: Tina and Ray
Sister: Logan
Born: April 8, 1998 (Due 4/18)
Time: 7:44 pm
Weight: 6 lbs. 9 oz
Length: 19 inches
Birth: 2 hour labor with some nubain.
I am sitting here, hardly believing I had a baby on Wednesday! I feel GREAT!! I went to the dr. Wed. at noon and was dialated to 5cm and 80% effaced-he said we could wait it out or go to the hospital whenever we wanted and he'd break my water. Since my mom was picking up my 14month old daughter that night anyway, my husband and I decided to go for it. Now I must say- I was nervouse because I didn't want a pitocin, etc.
We arrived at the hospital at 6pm- they broke my water at 7pm- cx's started 2min apart at 7:30pm(no pitocin). Lots of pain at that time- didn't want epidural(bad experience last time) was given Nubain- helped only enough to take the edge off- I could still feel everything, just not as intense. Dr. checked me later and I was at 7cm and he told husband it would be 30min plus, well before he finished his sentence I said "She's coming RIGHT NOW!" and sure enough it was time. Abigail was born 4 pushes later with no episiotomy(thank heaven for perineal massage) with a head full of black hair. Total delivery time 1hr 44min.
She is 6lbs 9ozs, 19 inches and absolutely beautiful. She has a full head of black hair, which is funny considering her 14 month old sister is bald and blonde as can be.
She is nursing like a pro. This has been just as amazing the 2nd time around as the first. My oldest comes home from grandma's tomorrow. She did visit at the hospital where the first thing she did was pull Abby's hair!!
Best of luck to you still waiting- from experience, try to avoid an episiotomy- my recovery has been night and day- this time I have no stitches and very little bleeding. I feel WONDERFUL.
Well, I am off to nurse my little angel. Thank you for allowing me to share my experience.
Tina, Ray, Abigail, and big sister Logan born 4/8/98 due 4/18