Welcome to ErnieToo's Guestbook. I hope you enjoyed your visit! Please send me your comments and suggestions (I am new at this and could probably use some help!! LOL).

Crystal Balboa - 12/13/00 19:56:08

you looked nice i think its cool you have your pic. in the inter.

fitzy (Bobby fitzsimons) - 11/12/00 21:31:57
My Email:rfmufc1999@hotmail.com

HiErin hope we can chat sometime i like ur web page very well done fitzy

Lisa - 11/04/00 01:40:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/ashbysmomspage
My Email:ashbysmom@yahoo.com

Erniiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...beautiful family, beautiful page, put together by a beautiful friend. :) HUUUUUUUUUUUUGS!!!!!!!!!!

rebel45_99 - 05/16/00 14:05:10
My Email:rebel45@icx.net

your family is very nice

teddybear_2000_au - 05/10/00 03:50:15
My Email:teddybear_2000_au@yahoo.com

you did a great job with your site you hava a wonderful family will talk in chat

shannykay/Shannon - 05/10/00 03:43:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md2/shannykayhomepage/index.html
My Email:shannykay@yahoo.com

Beautiful website...you did an excellent job. Your family looks great!!! Huggggsssssss!

Tweety - 05/10/00 03:37:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la2/tweetymom96

ERNIESLUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT the page is great!!!!!! Hugsssssss girlfriend, take care.

Jan - 04/24/00 19:26:18
My Email:Ridakm@yahoo.com

Erin-- I also have talked to you in chat- don't know if you remember or not- it has been a while since I have been in. I love your site and the graphics and colors are great. Keep up the good work. Catch you in chat. Happy hunting. Jan

Cuzisedso - 03/05/00 02:57:40
My URL:http://www.1freespace.com/cuzisedso
My Email:cuzisedso_2000@yahoo.com

Just out surfing my friends sites thought I'd stop in...

NAGGIE - 02/27/00 22:58:37
My URL:/nag1966
My Email:nag1966@yahoo.com

HEY ERNIE. Well, you ARE a female and a beautiful one at that!! You have a beautiful family also. So where did ERNIE come from? Love visiting your page.

Lana - 02/08/00 07:54:26
My Email:LanaK79@aol.com

What a great site Erin.You have really done a wonderful job putting this together. Loved the picture's. I sure got some good looking cousin's!! Will be back. Love Lana

Kcbrat - 01/18/00 15:32:38
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/kcbrat30/homepage
My Email:kcbrat@yahoo.com

WOW Ernie!!! Love the graphics and all. Great looking bunch you got too. I think you've done an awesome job as mommy! :) I will be checking back! Take care. KC

TrixieNY - 12/20/99 21:23:44
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/trixieny/index.html
My Email:TrixieNY@ivillage.com

Just cruisin the net before the holidays hope you have a good Christmas...HUGs..TRIX

Diana Reeser - 11/02/99 02:17:43
My Email:Beripatch@AOL.com

Erin, This is wonderful. Can't believe we found each other this way. You even look like a cousin. Scarry huh! Talk to you soon.

Jackie - 10/07/99 17:06:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/misspeach
My Email:misspeach@hotmail.com

Great site! I have enjoyed surfin' here! God bless!

Bob - 10/03/99 06:54:31
My URL:http://www.ihob.org
My Email:Bob@ihob.org

I'd love to help you with your family tree thing, but my family tree has no branches.

TazD01 - 09/27/99 16:12:43
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/tazd/TazD.html
My Email:tazd@bellsouth.net

HUGGGGGSSSSSSSS. Loved your page. It is great. I have bookmarked it and will continue to keep checking back.

NAG - 09/21/99 20:46:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/shores/6164
My Email:nag1966@yahoo.com

WOW....This is a great site. Although with the name Ernie in Chat I was surprised you were female..LOL.. Had a great time cruizin.

disco00 - 09/02/99 05:40:02
My Email:dstdenis@air.on.ca

very nice work on the homepage keep up the good work

Jennifer O'Melia - 09/02/99 03:50:43
My Email:KCsmom98@yahoo.com

hi...liked your web page...you have cute kids...thanks for sharing...will have to come back and check it out again soon.

Minx - 08/08/99 21:39:56
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/9833
My Email:puma_is_minx@hotmail.com

Hey Hey I am back.....dono if you heard. Took a look around your doing a great job on the site. Love the pics. Let me know how you are and whats new. Hugssssss Minx

colleen alteri - 06/22/99 18:39:53
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/lavender/538
My Email:cuzisedso@fcmail.com

I came to play for a bit...thought You'd like to know...HUGGIES Cuz

colleen - 05/07/99 18:26:17
My URL:http://victorian.fortunecity.com/657
My Email:cuzisedso2@fcmail.com

OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH sure you get your grpahics EVERYPLACE else but my place...LMAO come check out my stuff...I'm not done with everything yet but you might like what I have so far...HUGS

Tigress - 03/25/99 03:44:39
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/or/WhiteTigress1/index.html
My Email:dragon_lady1@hotmail.com

great page..... easy to look at ..... i think you should put some info on your REALLY great neighbor on there *wink* lol

cuzisedso - 03/11/99 16:52:08
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/lavender/538
My Email:cuzisedso@fcmail.com

Just thought I'd say hi since I was here...hehehe

Renee - 03/08/99 22:28:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3157
My Email:punchbug@cyberwc.net

Ernie!!! Long time no see! I was thrilled to see your entry in my guestbook... thanks for stopping in! I'm gonna send you a private e-mail to get the low-down.... Take care and BTW, your webpage is awesome!

Lee and Mary - 01/18/99 17:27:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/LeeSc
My Email:leescoggins@bigfoot.com

Very nice web site. It's evident that you've worked quite hard on it. You've got a lot to be proud of. Please stop by and visit us at Kippy's Kat Kapers. If you have time, scroll to the bottom of the Home Page and click on the button to vote for our site on the White Horse Peace Trail. We're in a little competition there, and we would appreciate your sup ort.

Ray Jay - 12/12/98 20:34:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/1767
My Email:rayjaytoday@yahoo.com

beautiful page!

Jellybean - 11/24/98 01:58:08
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~karstin
My Email:jellybean_31@yahoo.com

Hey Honey!!! I love all the changes!! Its looking Great!

Loretta aka KsGal - 10/28/98 04:49:12
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/kansas1/index.html
My Email:ksgalathrt@mailcity.com

Ernie!!!!! LTNS. I found your page via Luved's. I am glad that I came to visit! Have a Spooktacular Halloween! BTW-you are a lovely family!!!

Amanda - 10/27/98 03:37:04
My URL:http://www.kern.com.au/~/shazza/
My Email:shazza@kern.com.au

I love your site ... keep up the great work =) please visit my site when your not busy I'm working hard on a Aussie page *hugs* Amanda

10/03/98 01:06:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Justyna - 08/29/98 03:33:06

hi nice page

Donnalyn - 08/10/98 06:13:28
My Email:luved2much@aol.com

WTG Ernie, love your page almost as much as I love you, (I aint gonna say nothing about how handsome your husband is, or ask if he plays acro, but HI TIM! LOLOL) Also wanted to add that you are one of the few people I would love to have come to my home, I feel comfortable and at ease with you, and love you dearly! And that kinda "class" you cant get just anywhere! kisses and hugs.... cute kids too, but I dont want them LOL.....

Arien (#2?) - 08/06/98 04:09:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Arien_M/index
My Email:ArienM@rocketmail.com

Hey! I came back as promised, and I am still wowed! I love all your graphics! and they don't take long to download at all!!! awesome page! see ya at work!

Blueibaby - 08/05/98 02:07:34
My Email:WishngFlwr@aol.com

Great page Ernie!! I didn't know you had one! I really like it, very well done!! See ya in Acro Land heheh :-)

Tigress - 07/26/98 03:36:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/WhiteTigress1/index.html
My Email:Dragon_lady1@hotmail.com

Hey your page continues to get better and better : ) and funny how i have signed your guestbook twice now and have YET to see your name in mine! TSK TSK!!! LMAO! so ya better do it hehe or ill shoot ya! *wink* hehe TTYL (from one acroer to another!) ~T

Amethyst - 07/20/98 15:41:00
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor Enjoyed my visit to your site.

Venom200 - 07/15/98 12:13:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/8973
My Email:Venom200@yahoo.com

Hey Ernie , love your page , great family, will be back soon to see updates to your page. See ya in chat, as always Vhugs to my friend.

The NetDork - 07/14/98 06:17:12
My URL:http://www.jacksonville.net/~netdork
My Email:netdork@mediaone.net

great page, I really enjoyed the recipe page.

Minx - 07/11/98 00:06:51
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/9833

Hi Ernie buddy oh pal oh best landlord in the whole wide world...........I just thought I would come by and do a little bit (teeny tiny bit) of advertizing for I knew that I could count on you to support this effort being the wonderful friend that you are .............ok so here goes. I am putting out a news letter periodically to do several things. 1. to advise people of changes within my site. 2. to give hints and help for both HTML and Paint Shop Pro. 3. I will be putting a feature site on each news letter. Now if you are intereste ( or anyone looking at this page ) then all you gotta do is go to my page fill out the form and tada your in!! Thank you my dear dear Wonderful friends. HUGSSSSSS Minx

judiama - 07/07/98 20:29:19
My Email:judiama@ameritech.net

Great page Ernie!!! Wonderful pictures of your beautiful family!! You must be so proud of your children.. Hope to see you soon in acro!! I'm going to look at the recipies now.. I'll let you know when I've tried one!! Keep up teh good work!!

Sarge - 07/07/98 08:17:32
My URL:http://netspaceonline.com/~dredmond/
My Email:dredmond@midusa.net

Very nice page. You should be very proud of all your hard work. Enjoyed my visit.

Pagoo Me

Jinglewoo - 07/07/98 03:17:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4604
My Email:jinglewoo@yahoo.com

HEY THERE ERNIE!!!! Thanks for dropping into my page. I am so glad that high class people like yourself and the others who frequent my page, stop by.......lol, god that sounds snotty!!!! Come back as often as you like. There is always a suite available at the Inn for you and your handsome husband. I will soon be adding a jacuzzi room.....lol.....HUGS

Hockey ...again - 07/06/98 23:33:14

Ernie Ernie Ernie Ernie Ernie Ernie there I will never spell it wrong again! Love ya again!!!Hock ps. Ernie....see!

Hockey(your personal advisor) - 07/06/98 23:28:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4604/hockey.html

Dear Earnie, Thank you so much for going to visit my old page! I took it down because I couldn't think of what else to do with it and I needed to get back to "real life" meaning well I needed a break from the internet... but as you know i know everything nd so couldnt withhold my gift from you guys for long so here I am! I LOVE your page your family looks so nice and I love recipes, so this is a nice place to visit! Come see me when you need help! and dont forget your checkbook! *wink* Love Your advisor, ockey

Denise - 07/05/98 22:51:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/mysonthehero/index.html
My Email:tevans1@neo.lrun.com

I really enjoyed your page... I like to see people enjoy thier children like i do... I hope you can read my page also because i did my page on a very special young man ... my son a true story of his bravery. thanks again i will return to your page again.< r>
Arien - 06/27/98 08:32:38
My Email:ArienM@rocketmail.com

Nice page!! I'm very impressed.....I'm the other Arien (Erin) from the Hut. I have a page on the web too....it's http://members.tripod.com/~Arien_M/index-2.html

Jellybean - 06/22/98 12:50:16
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/1472
My Email:jellybean_31@yahoo.com

WOW alot of changes!! I Love what your doing with the place!!

Minx - 06/10/98 01:29:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/9833

Hey just me stopping by again to see what is new.....oh yeah and to show off. tee hee

ovox_man - 06/02/98 18:59:42

Very Very nice !!!! Super page really let me know whenevr u up date it ok ?? Keep up the good work

Denise Mitchell - 05/29/98 21:22:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/5994
My Email:denisem@feist.com

Ernie I'm sorry it took me so long to visit. What a wonderful page. I enjoyed looking at the pictures, and it's obvious you love the country look. That makes two of us. Keep up the good work, I'll be back to visit. Denise

SkyLite - 05/26/98 14:22:25
My Email:SkyLite25@aol.com

Great page ErnieToo! Nice Job! See ya in acro!

wit - 05/26/98 12:23:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/9426
My Email:DWITMAN@paonline.com

I will be proud to put a link to your page...LOL..I love it!!!!!!

ExArmySgt - 05/26/98 04:31:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/9616
My Email:mailbag@exp.net

Nice page ErnieToo. You have a nice looking family. If you get a chance, check out my site. See you in acro.

BeAtPeace - 05/26/98 01:50:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/palms/5036
My Email:dancer@rconnect.com

Ernie Booted~!!!!!! Wonderfully great page!!!!! I have 3 quotes for you....Enjoy life, this is not a rehearsal (play Acro till ya drop)! People sometimes judge you by your actions, you may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard boiled egg! And last but never really last, LOL, YOU are the most importa t YOU that YOU have, never ever let anyone throw dirt in your face and tell ya otherwise! (Experience lecture....LOL)

Jason (MrRight25m) - 05/24/98 23:43:42
My URL:http://you know.com/~at tripod
My Email:mrright25m@hotmail.com

Your page is very comfortable :-)

Dog Mommy - 05/23/98 18:07:01
My Email:tuinei@telplus.net

Hey ernie too, such a great web page. Sweet how you added your family pictures. I wish I could do this stuff, but don't have a scanner yet to put pictures on. Someday! See you in Basic Training!

Donnalyn - 05/15/98 06:45:29
My Email:Luved2mch@aol.com

Very nice Erin... make Tim take you for Seafood

Soof - 05/03/98 22:17:28

great page...kids are all very cute and pretty...i love the graphice...puma must be great friend...see ya on acro

Melinda Roepken - 04/28/98 22:36:31
My Email:Moe4cee@aol.com

Great web page!!! I'm VERY impressed!! Your kids are beautiful...I can't believe how grow up they are.. Jessica is gorgeous!!! You are very very lucky!

- 04/25/98 14:27:55
My Email:punchbug@cybertours.com

ERNIE!!!!!! Cool page! I love seeing my name on your list of friends and am honored to be considered one! LOL I also like the links to everyone eles page. WHEN (IF?) I get my ass in gear and do my own page, I wanna be linked!! SNOGS!

peep - 04/25/98 05:47:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~peepy/index.html
My Email:peep34@hotmail.com

loved your homepage, ern...it looks great

Stephaine - 04/24/98 22:52:19
My Email:bskrane@gbasin.net

lookin grand !!!!!! i'm also tryin' to get a page goin' !!!! keep up the work !!

- 04/24/98 22:50:43


Teresa - 04/24/98 19:54:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7060/
My Email:countrytouch@hotmail.com

Your page is looking fantastic. Keep up the great work.

Tigress - 04/24/98 05:27:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/WhiteTigress1/index.html
My Email:Dragon_lady1@hotmail.com

Yo!! COOL PAGE!! it is missing a little something, perhaps a link would make it better , hint hint, hehe Tigress : )

ovox_man - 04/24/98 04:05:35
My Email:ovox_man@yahoo.com

Excellent erin, really your pictures made me hungry, all those pies cupcakes yum yum, All joking aside great page keep up the good work!!!!

Minx - 04/24/98 03:30:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/9833/index.html
My Email:puma_is_minx@hotmail.com


Felicia Higgins - 04/24/98 00:15:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~higgy98
My Email:countrygirl@ctwok.com

Wonderful Erin, You have done a great job Higgy

Trixie/Morgan/Cuz - 04/23/98 23:10:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TrixieNY/CUZISEDSO

You've done a wonderful job Ernie. I LOVE it!!!

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