Hello and welcome to my little "place" on the web. Please, please sign my guestbook so I know I've had visitors!

Below you will find a page dedicated to friends I have met on the web, a page for my family (with pictures), and a page where I've put some of our favorite recipes. I also have some of my favorite places to go when I'm online listed under "favorite links". Eventually I will add links on the family page where my children like to go when they're online....so come back soon!

If you have been here before, please remember to refresh or reload so that you can see the new stuff I've done.

This Is Me!


This Is My Hubby!

I recently embarked on the VERY challenging task of researching our family tree. I have already met some new "cousins" and greatly appreciate all the help they have given me. My greatest hero has been my Aunt, who has already done an amazing job of collecting information and writing it down. I only hope I can find some things about our ancestors that will help her out some more! Eventually, I plan to have my family tree online so that, hopefully, someone out there will be able to help fill out some of the blank "limbs". This will most likely have to wait till the kids are back in school this fall so check back.....maybe you'll find out we're related (scary, huh?) LOL.

Come On In To See Pictures Of My Family!
Updated 1/1/00

See What My Friends Have Been Up To!

Click Above To See Some Of My Family's Favorite Recipes!
Updated 1/1/99




Below you will find links to where I found most of my graphics. These sites are ALL wonderful places!! You should go and check them out....I did!

The Graphics Ring

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