The Poultry Ring ©

The Poultry Ring was started June 2, 1997, to link all styles of poultry web pages together. As of November 15, 1997 we have 61 sites listed with us.


Click on the item you wish to see

What is a WEB RING?
Rules and Guidelines
The HTML code
Example of what code will look like
Join the Ring
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What is a WEB RING?

Let me try and explain this one. A WEB RING is a way of grouping together related sites.
Now you may wonder why this is helpful. First it helps the web "surfers" to find WWW pages that are of interest to them, without having to fight with the Search Engines (which sometimes give out pretty goofy info). Second it is a way for You; the Page owner, to generate more traffic to your site.
The POULTRY RING is free. There is NO CHARGE to sign up, not now not ever. Once you sign up you never need to worry about updating the ring, we do this automatically for you. All we ask is that you read
The RULES AND GUIDELINES and follow them.
If you have any further questions please feel free to e-mail me at


Rules and Guidelines

-- This Web Ring is open to ALL poultry related sites. To include but not limited to the following: chickens, waterfowl, gamebirds, pigeons, ratites, guineas and egg sites.
--NO RING COLLECTORS you know who you are. If you have three or more rings on your site already do not apply for this one.
--Place Poultry Ring code somewhere visable. At the bottom of the page is fine, just please don't hide it.
--Before your site is activated you must have the POULTRY RING HTML code in place. All pages should be validated withen three days, if you fail to recieve a letter stating you have been accepted please e-mail us at
--If after becoming a Ring Member you decide you wish to be removed simply e-mail us and we will remove you from the ring.


This is an example of what the POULTRY RING code will look like on your page.

This Poultry Ring site is owned by Your_Name_Here.

Want to join the Poultry Ring?

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This is the HTML code. Cut and paste it to you site. Make sure that you fill in your site id# when you recive it via e-mail.

<!--Poultry Ring Code Starts Here --> <HR> <CENTER> <FONT Size=2> <a href="/Heartland/Flats/1428/ring.html"><img src="/Heartland/Flats/1428/ring.jpg" align="left" WIDTH=125 HEIGHT=80></a> <a href="/Heartland/Flats/1428/ring.html"><img src="/Heartland/Flats/1428/ring.jpg" align="right" WIDTH=125 HEIGHT=80></a> This <a href="/Heartland/Flats/1428/ring.html">Poultry Ring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:SITE_OWNER_EMAIL"><FONT SIZE="2">Your_Name_Here</FONT></a>. <BR><BR> Want to join the <A HREF="/Heartland/Flats/1428/ring.html">Poultry Ring</A>? <BR><BR> <B> [<a href="" target="_top">Previous</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Next 5</a>]<BR> </FONT><P> <HR> </B> </FONT> </CENTER> <!--Poultry Ring Code Ends Here-->


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Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


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