The Stutzman Family
Christian Links

Blue Cross

The foundation and strength for the Stutzman family is rooted in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Without Him actively working in our lives, we would not be able to continue to be productive citizens. Jesus is the rock of our salvation and the provider for all our needs according to his riches and glory.

On March 4, 1973, Hubie received Jesus into his heart while watching a television program, Word of Life, with Jack Wyrtzen. He was 23 years old and student teaching in Niles, Michigan. It is significant that he was smoking a cigarette at the time and didn't have to put it out to receive Him as his Lord and Savior. Jesus took him right where he was and gave him a new life.

Paula was saved when she was about 18 years old. She can remember that experience very well and has never doubted her salvation since then. Even during a period of rebellion, she knew that Jesus was still with her, waiting for her repentence. When she did repent, she probably learned more about His love, grace, and mercy than when she was first saved. This scripture tells it all.

"For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creations will be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38, 39

When Rachel was 15, she accepted Christ into her heart. She had known the Truth all her life, having grown up in a Christian family. But on August 3, 1990, while attending the World Baptist Youth Conference at Arlington Baptist College (A.B.C.) in Arlington, Texas, with the youth of Cheney Baptist Church, she realized that she had never taken the step forward. When President Bryant of A.B.C. gave an altar call, Rachel responded to the tugging at her heart.

Andy does't remember the exact day he accepted Christ as his Savior, except that it was on a Sunday morning in November when he was about 14 or 15 years old. At that time he was attending a church service at Cheney Baptist Church. He was feeling a little uneasy but when the preacher asked for anyone needing prayer to come forward, he did. He knelt at the alter and gave his life to God.

When Joanna was about ten years old she accepted Jesus into her heart. She was worried about not going to heaven and decided to do something about it. Late one night she came into her parents' room to tell them how she felt. She knelt at the foot of their bed and prayed to receive Christ as her Savior. From that moment on she knew she was a Christian.

If you understand what we are saying here and have had the same life-changing experience, then praise God. If not, you too can experience this same love and forgiveness. Just connect to the link tied to the graphic below and follow the simple steps.

Four Spiritual Laws

Searching for Answers?


Here are some links to places, organizations, people, and resources that have been helpful to us in our walk with Christ.


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