So we went to town, but when we came back, the catfench was distroyed and Tinkas was gone... First we went searching in the park and the forrest, the places he knew very well, but he wasn't there. We went to home, to listen if there was been called and yes, one of our neighbours said she had found Tinkas while he was playing with the goats. so we went to them and there he finally was. Off course we were very happy, but we also told him never to do that again. He also had a surprise for the neighbours, who took care off him when we were gone, he used their floor as a toilet...
When Tinkas was about five months, we went to holiday in
France. And of course Tinkas came with us, because he was
really scared to stay at home, but also because we liked it.
At the camping where we stood, you could canoe. So every
day we went canoeing, but at one day the whole family wanted at
to canoe at the same time. So Tinkas also needed to go with one of us in the canoe...And I think you guess who that was...
When I sat in the canoe, Tinkas wanted to go back, but he couldn't swim. So he did hang all the time over the rim off the canoe. And one time I wasn't quick enough to take him back,
and he felt into the water. But lucky enough I could grasp him
at his collar. He looked thinner than ever and it was really
fun to see it.
After that day he only liked it to stand with his feet in the water, and he never learned to swim.