Promise Keepers: Men of Integrity

Promise Keepers is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to uniting men through vital relationships to become Godly influences in there world.

Columbia S.C. Oct. 2-3 1998





 If you would like to learn more... PK homepage

Live A Legacy

Session #1 Christ's Legacy in Us...................................... Dr. Isaac Canales

Session #2 Life's Dilemma: What Really Matters............. Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Vision 2000..................................................................... Mr. Bill McCartney

Session #3 Living a Legacy on the Home Front.............. Dr. Tony Evans

Session #4 living a legacy in the Workplace.................... Dr. Rod Cooper

Financial Practicum .. Debt-Free Living......................... Mr. Lee Jenkins, Jr.

Session #5 Leaving a Legacy of Unity in the Church...... Rabbi David Chernoff

Session #6 Living a Godly Legacy... ..............................Dr. Thomas Wang

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