Notes of Praise!!! *** Please submit your notes of praise asap!
Congratulations to Debbie McNair who has been named Clarendon District 2 Teacher of the Year. Our prayers are with you as you go to the state level, Debbie!
We commend Anna Bleasdale and Maggie Brown for memorizing and reciting the Children’s Catechism. Anna and Maggie will receive a New Testament for their hard work.
Many thanks to Marty Garelick for the gift of the beautiful hand-crafted flower stands he made for Sardinia Church.
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ansel McFaddin, Sr.’s grandchildren -- Ansel, Frances, Gene, and Lee-Ann-- for the nice Bible donated in memory of their grandparents. The Bible will be used in the McFaddin prayer room. We appreciate the efforts of so many to make this a special place of prayer including Martha Lee Rose who recently donated books and bookends.
Thank you all for the prayers, cards, and visits during our recent surgeries and recovery. We both appreciate the love expressed and are continuing to improve. -- Mort and Peggy Skoler
Thank you for all of your loving support during Dillon’s recent hospital stay. Your prayers and cards have truly been a blessing. -- Brenda Smith
You are invited to a bridal shower
Samantha Miles
Saturday, September 16 at 2:00
Sardinia Presbyterian Church Fellowship
Hosted by
Sardinia Women in the Church
New Harmony Birthdays
September 2 Graham Bennett
September 6 Melanie
September 9 Gina Wilson
September 13 Johnny
September 14 Chris
DuRant, Cheeky Ridgeway
September 15 Janice
September 16 Hayley
September 20 Amelia
September 23 Rachel
September 24 Don Cole
September 25 Kim Fingar
September 27 Walt Fingar
Sardinia Birthdays
September 6 Megan McFaddin,
Billy Melton
September 11 Jim Morrison
September 22 Doris
September 24 Steve
September 27 Ruth Plowden
September 7 Stanley
& Linda Hodge
September 25 Kevin
& Stephanie Reeves
Did we miss your birthday/anniversary?
Please call us: 473-4329
Join us for the kick-off !!
Wednesday Night Bible study and
Catechism class
*Nursery provided*
Wednesday, September 6
6:30 p.m.
hot dogs & hamburgers
7:30 p.m.
Special Presentation:
Why We Baptize Our Children
by Dr. Richard Pratt
followed by an exciting visit to
Mt. Sinai and a visit from Moses!!
Focus for Catechism class this fall will be the section on the Ten Commandments. This class is designed to give students a better understanding of catechism questions and answers and to assist students and their parents in the memorization of the catechism.
Saturday, September 9
8:00 a.m. Donuts await you!!!
Sunday, September 17 Children
2:30 p.m.
Sardinia 5:00 p.m. New Harmony
7:30 p.m.
***If interested in beginning bells
please contact Miriam Reed asap. Requirements: age 8+, desire to
ring, commitment to weekly practice, likes to have FUN!!***
Sunday, October 22
at 6:00 p.m.
Mon.-Wed., Oct. 23-25
at 7:00 p.m.
Dr. Ligon Duncan
Guest Speaker
Youth Programs
4:00 to 5:15 (usually at New Harmony) For 4th to 7th graders
Ladies Land 5:15
to 6:45 (Place TBA) For 8th to 11th grade girls
Man’s Land 6:00
to 7:30 (At Scott and Ann Jackson’s Home)
For 8th to 12th grade boys
Senior Girls Bible Study 7:00 to
8:30 (Place TBA)
Wednesday Programs
Sr. PYF (8th – 12 graders)
7:00 – 8:15 Wednesday Night Live
(At New Harmony)
Jr. PYF (4th – 7th graders)
(Same time as Bible Study) Catechism Class
(At Sardinia)
Sunday 10, 17, 24th Sunday Youth
Wednesday 13, 20, 27 Wednesday
Night Live /Catechism
Friday 8th Sr. PYF – Rebecca
St. James Concert in
Saturday 9th Jr. PYF Pool
Party at Willard’s Pool (11
a.m. – 2 p.m.) Meet at Sardinia
at 10:45
Tuesday 19th Meet You At
The Pole Rally at Northeast Pres.
in Columbia 7 – 9 p.m. (late night;
home around
10:30) This is for 6th – 12th graders.
Friday 29th Main Event at
Manning UMC after LMA and
MHS football games (7th –12th)
9:30 – 11:00
Saturday 30th Mud Bowl
1:00 – 2:15 4th – 6th
2:30 – 4:00 7th – 12th graders
Sunday 1, 8, 15, 29 Sunday Youth
Wednesday 4, 11, 18 Wednesday Night
Live/ Catechism
Friday 6th Jr. PYF Night
Out (TBA)
Saturday 14th
Main Event "Wade Joy Band" (Maybe?) at New
Covenant Pres. (7th – 12th graders)
20th – 21st Sr. PYF Camp
22nd – 25th Fall Revival
Sunday 5th Sunday Youth
Wednesday 1, 8, 15, 29 Wednesday
Night Live / Catechism
10th – 12th Jr. and Sr. High
Retreat at the Cove (6th – 12th
Sunday 19th Thanksgiving
Service (All ages at NH)
Sunday 3, 10 Sunday Youth
Wednesday 6, 13 Wednesday
Night Live / Catechism
8th – 9th Jr.
PYF Christmas Lock-in (at Sardinia)
Friday 15th Sr. PYF Progressive
Any Questions Call Paul Sanders at 473-9391
Thanks again for all of the prayers
and support given to send our team to Cherokee, North Carolina. God
blessed the trip in many ways. We held a VBS at a daycare for 2-5
year olds and are certain that seeds were planted in hearts that the Lord
Jesus Christ will harvest one day. We also were grateful to God for
allowing us to finish painting a house for the Stamper family. God
was good to us in so many ways. We had the privilege to see two children
that lived in the neighborhood where we were working receive the Lord Jesus
into their hearts. What a joy to be a part of things eternal.
Thanks also for all who came to the Mission Trip Report last Sunday at
New Harmony.
· Bob and Paula McNair for
hosting both the Sr. PYF Day at the Lake (August 12) and the Cherokee mission
team debrief (August 26). Thanks for the food and the fun!
· Walt and Kim Fingar for
hosting our end of the summer Sr. PYF pool party.
· Norwood and Peggy DuRant
for hosting our weekly Jr. PYF pool swims through the summer.
I downed my food quickly and headed
for my room, hoping they would not notice. But as soon as I put my
plate in the dish washer I heard my father say, "Hey Paul, don’t go too
far away because we are getting ready to have devotions." I rolled
my eyes seeing that my hopes of them forgetting were ruined. They
rarely seemed to forget having family devotions. I had other things
I would have rather done but there was no use arguing for I had learned
years before that devotions was not something I could talk my parents out
of. I sat down at the table to listen, as my dad would read
truth from God’s Word. Sometimes he read a passage from the Bible,
sometimes a story, or sometimes the Daily Bread. Whatever he read
pointed me to the truth of Jesus Christ and the life I could have in Christ.
I knew I had to listen because mom and dad would usually quiz us kids on
what we had heard.
The time only lasted from 5 to
15 minutes, but the consistency of that time taught me that my parents
prioritized their relationship with the Lord Jesus and took their responsibility
to point their children to Him very seriously. Their actions showed
me that God’s Word was valuable and precious. I also learned many
truths that are instilled in me to this day. "Train a child in the
way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."(Pr. 22:6)
Though dad and mom had many obligations and though they were worn out after
difficult days, they continued to gather the family around the Word of
God. Guess what? I still can count on having family devotions
with mom and dad whenever Suzanne and I return home for a visit.
And it means more to me than words can express.
We gather our family around many
things; ball games, food, leisure activities, etc. How often do we
faithfully gather around the Word of God?
EASY TRIVIA QUESTION: Who said, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian"?
FAIRLY EASY TRIVIA QUESTION: Who was born first -- Jacob or Esau?
FAIRLY DIFFICULT TRIVIA QUESTION: There was a certain group of men who could not wear garments that would cause them to sweat. Who were these men?
HARD TRIVIA QUESTION: Who was the man to build the first city and what was its name?
QUESTION FOR THE EXPERT: What man in the Bible had hair like eagle feathers and nails like bird claws?
the difference between the 10,000 soldiers of Israel and the 300 soldiers
Gideon chose for battle?
THE PASTOR’S PEN... By Dr. Gordon Reed
"But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who
doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For let
not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord." So the
book of James guides us when we pray. We must believe that God is always
true to His word, and that His promises never fail. When we pray we ought
to expect great things from God, else why pray? Of course the spirit of
prayer must also include an earnest seeking for the will of God, and a
knowledge of what he has promised. It seems to me that we must be very
careful when we come to the Father in Jesus’ name lest we dishonor that
holy name. James also warns us in these words, "You do not have because
you do not ask. You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss, that
you may spend it on your pleasures." This is a warning against self centered
praying that has nothing to do with the will of God. Having said this,
we nevertheless should really believe that God, who is more concerned to
keep His promises than we are, will answer our prayers. There are so many
promises in the Bible God has made to His children that are available and
awaiting our claim on them. For instance, if we pray sincerely confessing
our sins, He will forgive us. If we pray hungering and thirsting for His
righteousness to fill our lives, He will grant our request. If we sincerely
ask God to enable us to forgive our enemies, while at the same time claiming
His forgiveness, He will indeed work that miracle of grace in our lives.
There are many things we take to the Lord in prayer, not quite sure what
His will might be. Even so, we lay them before God, trusting His grace
and wisdom, and believing in the Father who numbers even the hairs of our
head, and is willing to bless us with all spiritual blessings in Christ
Jesus. But the key to power in praying is obviously faith, a faith that
truly expects answers from God, and believes that God will do the impossible
in our lives, make us to become Christ-like.
EASY: Agrippa -- Acts 26:28
FAIRLY EASY: Esau -- Genesis 25:25,26
FAIRLY DIFFICULT: The priests of Israel -- Ezekiel 44:15-18
HARD: Cain, and the name of the city was Enoch -- Genesis 4:17
EXPERT: Nebuchadnezzar -- Daniel 4:33
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