What Must I Do to be Saved?

What Do the Scriptures Say?

A Catholic Perspective

by Joseph C. Kindel

Updated January 14, 2004

Many Catholics today have family members, friends, or co-workers who are Christians of other denominations. In this setting, the question is often asked, “Are you saved?” The discussion which follows usually calls upon the authority of the Bible.

This raises the question, “What does the Bible teach about salvation?” Yes, there are a few often-quoted verses about faith and baptism, etc., but what does the whole Bible say about salvation?

This book contains a large selection of Scripture verses taken from the whole Bible on the topic of salvation. These verses are arranged into groupings such as “Faith,” “Baptism,” “Obedience,” “Forgiving Others,” “Dying to Self,” “Perseverance,” and “Growing in Love.” Taken as a whole, they build up a picture of what we must do to be saved.

Just as Simon Peter cried, “Save me, Lord!” when he began to sink into the sea, so must we reach out to Jesus to be saved. Jesus strides securely upon the crests of the waves, ready to rescue those who call out to Him.

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