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Pitbulls Forever
Devoted to the American Pitbull Terrier
About Myself
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In Loving Memory
- Ellie Mae (July 1984 - Sept 1999)
Ellie Mae was our first Baby. In her time on
this earth she lead a very charmed life. She's been hiking in Maine, Boating on pachaug
pond, Sniffing the Admirals yard in Connecticut, tangled with Many a cat, and most
of all ate many cheesburgers. Ellie Mae made our lives very special for nearly 17 years.
she taught mom how to box, and bryndle how to get extra treats.
One of the things that made Ellie Mae so very special is that from the time she was
born till her last day on this earth she gave undying love to all she had the pleasure of
meeting. if there is one thing I know in my heart it's that she is up there watching
us eating a tennis ball , and running with the best of them ........... we love and
miss you so very much moe's ............
Here are some Pictures of her Picture 1 <> Picture 2
I currently have Three beautiful Pitbulls. Their names are:
- Bryndel
My name is Bryndel. I am 17 years old and I
currently live in Florida. I was born in Connecticut also. I spent my first few weeks in a
pet store. Luckily, my mom and dad frequently visited this particular pet store. Mom saw
me and held me. That was all it took. She was in love. I got to go home with her and dad
right then and there. I even had a new sister there waiting for me. Her name was Ellie Mae.
She was 6 months older than me. She taught me a lot. I'm such a lucky girl! I love my mom
and dad and sisters. My favorite pasttime is chewing my bones, ball, and sticks. I love to
play. I'm very curious and love to chase squirrels (I have yet been able to capture one).
Here are some of my picturesPicture 1 <>Picture
2 <>Picture 3
- Weeds
My name is Weeds (named after Seaweed). Seaweed was
a Boston Terrier that my dad grew up with. Seaweed past away in 1985. I remind dad alot of
Seaweed. I am almost 2 years old and I was born in Florida. Mystic is my sister and Ellie
Mae and Bryndel are my step sisters and I love them all very much. I'm very young and
Ellie Mae and Bryndel are teaching me the values of being house trained - it's the single
most important key to getting treats and staying on mom and dads good side. My favorite
passtime is chasing lizards and late night mischief.
Here are some of my picturesPicture 1 <>Picture
- Mystic
My name is Mystic. I am almost 2 years old (Weeds
is my sister). Ellie Mae and Bryndel are my step sisters and I love them all very much
too. I was born in Florida also (go figure). I got my name by mom and dad living in
Mystic, CT. They really loved it there. I'm very photogenic (just look at my picture). I
mean really, how could you not fall in love with me. I love to play fight with Weeds and
take things away from her. What is it with this pecking order stuff. Everytime I take
something from Weeds, Bryndel takes it from me. I don't get it.
Here are some of my picturesPicture 1 <>Picture
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Paul Lowery

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