
This is going to be my new 5ive page seeing as they are my absolute most favorite singing group right now. Can you tell?

Visit 5ive's official web site here They've got tons of stuff there. There's a fan club and everything. I would be in the fan club but I don't have any money right now and there is a membership fee. It's so sad. If only they knew that 5ive's biggest fan is broke!

Well, in case you haven't already heard, a terrible thing happened.

Five broke up! I was totally not expecting it. They all seem to be dealing with it fine, though many fans aren't. I'm just glad that I have the memories. Cheesy, but true.

One of my favorite things about the group is how equal all the guys are. I just went to the *NSYNC concert that 5ive was supposed to be at (hmph! The concert would have been so much better!) and I couldn't believe how loud the screaming was every single time Justin started singing. Now, I'm sure every girl has her favorite 5ive guy, but they all like different ones. My friends and had our little daydreams and my guy was always Sean, Leslie's was always Scott (with Abs in the background) and Kim's was always J (Sorry Rich. I'm sure you're a nice guy, too.). We each picked a different guy by choice, not process of elimination.

Well, I have pictures here! All of my favorites...and some of the other guys, too (j/k!).

And in case you ever wondered who was singing in a song, I've made a page that will tell you just that. Who Sings?

Here are some links to some other great 5ive sites.