
This page is here to let you know exactly what I have changed since the last time you visited.

January 18, 2003 -- I've added a new desktop wallpaper. Wallpaper Index

January 13, 2003 -- I've changed my e-mail address. The bigfoot.com one has been incredibly unreliable, so if you've sent me mail that I haven't answered over the past months, please accept my apologies and feel free to try again with our new address.

October, 2002 -- The index page has been redone. The photo album is in the process of being updated. I've added a page for Desktop Wallpaper

August, 2002 -- Updated the e-mail addresses on all of the pages (sorry if you've tried to write over the past year or so!) and updated "Latest Family News" page.

June, 2001 -- I'm working on updating the site; I've changed the wording on a number of pages, deleted the Webrings page as well as the Links page, and I added a page for Paint Shop Pro Tutorials. Also added an update to the "Latest Family News" page.

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