Barbara's Snowglobes

This page was updated February 17, 2000

The glass for all my globes was made by following a tutorial by the Hood on making bubbles. The bases and the tubes for the "snow" are all my own creation. I will note for each globe if the subject for the contents was my own creation or taken from some other source. I make all my graphics with Paint Shop Pro. The only commercial filter that I have added to the program is Blade Pro.

If you would like to download any of my graphics, please read the rules that I have posted at the bottom of the page.

Also, if you would like to send any of my globes as an e-card, you can find them all at "Your Treasures", a great e-card site that has hundreds of different cards for every occasion.

To view a globe full size and with animation, click on the thumbnail.
Winter Angel "Winter Angel" - This was my very first snowglobe. The angel was taken from a free clipart site, I then added the detail to her wings and modified her feet. I am very proud that the Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone chose this globe to be one of their featured graphics for the June, 1999, Showcase Gallery. Thank you so much for the honor!
Haley and Logan "Haley and Logan" - I made this globe for my friend Ellen in Crescent City. She has a beautiful collection of Cherished Teddies. The teddies for the globe were taken from a photo. The copyright for Cherished Teddies is held by Enesco Corp., however they have granted me permission to use the photos for my graphics.
Sedley "Sedley" - I really like the Cherished Teddies, in my opinion they make very cute snowglobes. This teddy was also taken from a photo with permission from the copyright holder; Enesco Corp.
Carrousel "Carrousel" - The horse was a dingbat that I painted. The base also started as a dingbat, I added some swirls, made a few modifications, then added Blade Pro for the gold effect.
Snowman "Snowman" - I used a Jasc tube to create the string of lights, but everything else for this globe (including the base) was made "from scratch". I'm extremely honored that the Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone chose this globe to be featured in their Showcase Gallery for November, 1999. Thanks to the great people at PSPIZ!

You are welcome to use my graphics on your site as long as you adhere to the following rules:
  1. My graphics are only to be used on non-commercial, "G" rated sites.
  2. You must save them to your hard drive and upload them to your own server. DO NOT link directly to my graphics.
  3. Please send me an e-mail letting me know where the graphic will be used and include a link to my site on the same page where the graphic will appear.
  4. None of my graphics are allowed to be offered to the public in any way, shape, or form without my express written permission.

My site won an award!
Sensational Globe Award
Thank you to Irish Miss and the Sensational Globe Webring for the beautiful award!

(Please remove the "NO-SPAM" before sending)

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