Hoot Owl Express

The Hoot Owl Express is the official quarterly of the Okefenokee Historical and Genealogical Society. It is a mail only publication.

If you'd like more information, you can write to:

1617 Ball Street
Waycross, GA 31503

We would like to invite you to contribute to the Hoot Owl Express. You can do that by sending in , pioneer sketches, articles about cities or counties or historical sports events, queries, marriage and birth announcements and others things that you think may be of interest to our genealogy family.

We are interested in your creativity, so we have chosen to accept multiple formats. We can accept your articles, sketches and stories by mail (to the address above) or email (by clicking on one of the buttons below).

Criteria for the Sketches:

1. Please send the text by mail or in the body of an email ( preferably in Word, Works WP or RTF attachment).

2. Please substitute the words "still living" for anyone in you sketch that is still living.

3. Please limit to 3 "printed" pages.

4. Please don't hesitate to send your sketch, because it's layout is "different" from the norm. "Diversity is the spice of life." (Anyone know who said that?)

5. Please send a sketch with a connection to he Okefenokee/Wiregrass Area (about 100 mile circumference around Waycross).

6. And please be sure to include your name and mailing address with your sketch. Email and phone number are optional.


Criteria for Queries:

1. Please send your query in the form a paragraph.

2. Please make sure to identify the person who is the subject of your query and include dates (or a range of dates)and other information that would be helpful in narrowing down the search.

3. And please be sure to include your name and mailing address with your sketch. Email and phone number are optional.


If you like to announce a special anniversary or up coming wedding. Please send it to us. Be sure to include names and dates.

Birth Announcements

Would you like to have a birth announcement printed in the "Hoot"? Please send us the baby's name along with the names of the parents and both sets of grandparents. Also include the birthdate and weight and lenghth of the baby.

Reunions and Events

Let us put your reunion in the "Hoot". We accept family reunions, class reunions and other events.

Can You Offer Typing Assistance?

If you can volunteer some of your time to help us by typing, we would appreciated it. Please drop us a brief email to let us know you're available and how much typing you can handle.

Letter to the Editor

If you'd like to send a letter to the editor, it would be welcome. You can ask questions about the society or the Hoot Owl Express or just send in your comments. Who knows, your letter may even appear in an up coming additions of the "Hoot".


You can view the Table of Contents here.

Vol.1, No. 1
Vol. 1, No. 2
Vol.1, No. 3

© 1998 Linda Angell

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