Ware County's Interactive Mail List

Ware County Georgia has a mail list GAWARE-L, or GAWARE-D. You will find people on the list to be most helpful and friendly. This is a very active list. This list is not just limited to Ware County, it also include surround counties. So if you have family from Ware County or near by, you're sure to benefit from being a part of the "family". Please come and join us.

If you would like to subscribe in the mail mode, send and email to Don't put anything in the subject box and put only the word "subcribe" in the body of the letter, without the quote marks. In the mail mode you receive each post as an individual email.

If you prefer the Digest mode then subscribe to this address following the same instructions. In the digest mode you receive a bulk of posts as a single email.

You must be a member to post to the list, but once you subscribe send all your posts to whether you're in the mail or digest modes.

You may also unsubscribe yourself at anytime by emailing to these addresses: for the list mode or for the digest mode.
As before make sure that only your request to unsubscribe is in the body of the email. No subject line and no signature.

You can also search through the archives of GAWARE. Go to:
Interactive Search of Mailing Lists
At this address type in GAWARE, then click submit query and you'll be
transmited to the search engine for the list. Just follow the directions.


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