My First Holidays


Since Labor Day doesn't count, Mommy said she had enough of that already, the first holiday is Halloween. I found it a very strange day. You get dressed in different clothes with a special name. My stuff was called Cowboy. I really didn't know if I was suppose to do the "mama" thing to make people happy or just say "moo". Later they took me to the Mall, you know the place with way too many people and stores, but I do like the lights. At the Mall everyone bent over the stroller and said, "What a BIG Cowboy!" and I had to do the cute baby bit. All very tiring.



I learned a bunch of new stuff since Halloween. There is this form of locomotion called crawling, it's pretty fast and there isn't too far to fall. Talking about falling, I can stand up now. This does give me the opportunity to fall, but when I don't I'm real happy. I'm celebrating by doing the ritual Mommy Arm Dance. I learned it at Arthur Murry; you stand up, grab an arm and bounce up and down. It works to any music.



Something else that I'm doing is called TEETH. At first I thought the only use they had was to give me a reason to keep Mommy up all night, but since they hurt when they pop up I would prefer staying up listening to talk radio. Then I found out they had a use. You BITE things. There is one thing I like to hold and bite, strips of bell pepper, BUT I'm still not sure I really like the taste. Mommy calls this my "Pepper Face".

They tell me this is the BIG ONE, Christmas!

I think it started off pretty weird. At the Mall, Mommy tried to give me away to this old guy that has longer whiskers than my uncle. He looks pretty old, but still doesn't speak too well. All his sentences started with, "Ho Ho Ho", I think he's an illegal alien. Then he wants to know what I want for Christmas. Now at this time my spoken vocabulary is limited to mama, dada and baba, I really don't understand what he expected as a reply. Even if I had a chance to give him a typed list I'm not sure he could deliver. He said something about coming down our chimney to deliver the stuff, we don't have a chimney, THIS IS FLORIDA.

Well I'll wait out on the porch, see what happens.


He did come!


