Colin's Christening


We needed to practice so we watched "The Godfather" on the VCR the other night. The way it looked in the movie my Godparents, Mark and Yolanda, were suppose to do all the holding and stuff.


This is the "action" shot, we promised to do a lot of good stuff. Now the movie was a lot more exciting, a bunch of bad people got shot. Here the only person who probably has a gun is my Godfather Mark. It's OK, he's a County Sheriff, not a Mafia hit man.


Now I'm getting dried off. That felt real good. It didn't last, just a little later I got some oil on my head. Well at least it's better than the "greasy kid stuff".


Well, the ceremony is almost over now, about an hour after it started. It was longer than when Mommy and Daddy got married, at least that was what I was told, I wasn't there.


Home now at my party. That's me standing near my cake. I didn't get any cake, just the same old lactose free stuff.

Oh, the reason my Godfather's head isn't in the picture is the way it had to be cropped. It had nothing to do with his car ride, we had no guests with piano wire.


