I'm ONE!

I'd like to welcome you all to my FIRST Birthday Party.

We're having it at the Club House where we live. It's easier than having to move around all my stuff at home. AND we can fit in more people, that means MORE presents!

We have nice food, tables and chairs and, if you look out the window, girls in bikini's by the pool.


I'm having a very good time, here with Mommy greeting all the guests.



Daddy's mommy is giving me some Deviled Eggs. They said it fits my personality, but don't believe it. Mommy is the one who dresses me in red.   I should really be eating Angel Food Cake.


Mommy lived in Panama for three years, so at my Birthday Party we have a piñata.  It's filled with prizes and you are supposed to break it with a stick.  Uncle Phil is showing everyone how to do it.   All the kids will take turns hitting it and when it breaks everyone runs to pick up prizes. It's like a sale at Macy's Bargain Basement, if they still have bargains.

Daddy will help me since the piñata is tied too high in the tree for me to reach.



   OK Daddy, give the me the stick and hold me real close so I can take a swing at the piñata.                   wait, Wait, WAIT, I'm supposed to hit it with the stick.   You're NOT supposed to hit the piñata with ME!   You're not a kid, you're too old for a turn!   Good thing I still can't use the phone, I'd call HRS.

Did we get any PRIZES?  Maybe we should try head first next time.



    It's time for cake.  First they want me to wear a hat.     Then we have to blow out the candle, mommy is going to     help with that so first she does some blowing exercizes.      That's fun when I don't get hit in the chin.

    It's ICE CREAM cake, it feels really good.  With a little     help from Mommy's Mommy it tastes good too.



Mommy is helping me unwrap my presents, she really likes to open presents.  I think the whole reason for the party is so mommy would have a whole bunch of presents to open. The part I like is that I get to keep them!  Uncle Phil got me a drum, I really like drums

Just look at that, I'm playing my new drum and Mommy is still opening presents!




Daddy's Mommy and Daddy got me this BIG toy chest. I need to see if there is enough room for all the stuff I got today.  It looks real good from the inside, plenty of room for all today's stuff and most of what is at home. It will be a pretty tight fit if I go in with the toys, at least when I'm wearing a top hat.


     Boris and Natasha gave me some cat toys. They smell a little like cat food, I wonder if they are      hand-me-downs?  Well I like them anyway. They have big, loud, jingle bells inside and they are fun      to shake.   Well the party is over now and I'm ringing goodbye to all my guests. Oh, I'm not wearing      a yarmuke, even though it is Saturday I don't have to see Christening page, it's a beach ball.


Here's some more neat stuff I got for my birthday.



Do any of you remember that picture with Santa?

Here we go again.  Last year I was just surrounded by little bunnies. This year we go to the Mall and I have to sit with a GIANT Easter Bunny.

OK, I really don't have anything against this guy, I think he used some breath spray since the last carrot he ate, kinda smells minty. BUT, if he says anything about coming down my chimney we're surfing over to www.foodtv.com and get Emeril's recipe for RABBIT STEW.

Everybody be quiet, it's Easter morning an I'm waiting for that big bunny. I don't want him to recognize me so I'm wearing a bunny disguise.  I think that touch of blue at the ears give it just the right effect.

Later today we are going over Uncle Phil's for Easter dinner and to celebrate his birthday.  He's gonna have a cake, I sure hope it's an ice cream cake.  Since my party I sure grew up a lot. Now I know how to eat ice cream ALL by myself.


When I find out the birthday cake is a Carvel Cake shaped like Micky Mouse, I can hardly contain my excitement.  I'm so happy that now I can show everyone here how well I learned to eat ice cream.   Notice how I study the bowl and make sure I get every bit of it, by this time I'm on my seconds and thirds.  After eating I know it's important to clean up well.  Here's some stuff I learned from my cat, Sparkle. First it's important to get your paws clean, then you do the front legs. Well that's what Sparkle called them when she was showing me. I'm finished now, I can sit back and relax.



Not only did Sparkle teach me all I know about personal hygiene, she also taught me how to eat Cheerios. She says one of the most important things is sharing. Usually I eat one half and she eats the other. Sometimes she has her half first.