Nelson B.Rogers

The days come, the days pass, but our memories still live on. The day came, the day went, we all knew that it was coming but when was the question. I just wish it never came at that time in my life, Dad I wish you were here now to see my family and me. With another grandchild for you to enjoy, but never see, in ways he reminds me of you, with his sit back attitude and his joy just watching others.

I know that you would love to hold him and smile and say those words I say most everyday "we are so lucky to have him". I know that I'm not the only one missing you but I'm sure that everyone misses you in their own way
Dad I Love you...

Whenever a friend, a relative, a loved one
who has passed from this plane of existence
is thought of, he is not dead.

Whenever his name arises in recollective
conversation, he is yet among us.

So long as we cherish his memory,
he is more than a memory... he lives!
He lives in our thoughts, in our hearts,
in our repetition of things he said,
in our imitation of things he did.

In our laughter and in our tears
over what he meant to us....before

Birthplace:So. Hanover, Ma. Residence: Pembroke, Ma. Occupation: Cabinet Maker Father's Name: Gordon Rogers  Mother's Name: Mildred Rogers

