While you visit please enjoy the music
I have chosen for my pages.
Or you may choose your own
(if so go to the bottom to stop my music).
This is take along music so have
some fun as you surf the web.
You will need CRESCENDO

Hello, I am glad you
stopped in. I will try and tell you something
about me so that we can get acquainted.
I live in Tillamook, OR., have 4 children,
12 grandchildren and 6 greats.
My social calendar would be full
if I just attend all the birthday parties.
My home is in the country,
I enjoy watching the herd of cows
in the pasture and doing various crafts.
I also enjoy writing bits of poetry
about everyday things that have
happened in my life--
Some are serious and some are funny
but all are true.
Remember I am not a professional,
just someone who enjoys
putting memories into rhyme.

As I said before, I tried to be involved
with my grandchildren.
After one of the Little League games
(my granddaughters first)
I wrote this poem for her.

In 1980 I remember being in an energy crisis.
It seemed that the whole country
was looking for solutions.
Well, I had to put in my two cents worth.
So I wrote the following.
My tribute to the pioneer fuel supply.

While I am working on the rest of my stories
you may be interested in
a receipe or two. Everyone likes good food.

Enjoy visiting some of my family.
They have some very nice sites.


First born is Sherry.
She lives on the Oregon Coast,
and has just opened an Adult Foster Home.
Her page is about her town and family.
Sherrys page

Bob was next. He has a great site
that is all about his time in VietNam.
He has been back recently and
tells about VietNam then and now.
Excellent page.
Bobs page

Jeff was our third born. He also lives
in Oregon and has created a "Market Place"
for local merchants along with great
links for tourist.
Jeffs page

Judy was last but not least.
She lives in Southern Oregon
and drives a school bus. Her page tells
about her family and she also
has a page for "Funny Bus Stories".
Judys page

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