Hi I'm Premmiemom. Welcome to my 2nd homepage. Updated November 15/98
Please bear with new at this stuff. I recently choose a "theme" for this website. I dedicate it to "our Love" for Toys. Its not a "put down" site making fun of children's toys. It's
a site that envokes memories of childhood, and the simply pleasure in "A Toy". Although we as Parents, get quite fed up with the shear #'s of toys our children have
you still can't deny the "pleasure" they receive from them. Please stop by a few links I've listed, with toys comes the "Letter to Santa" e-mail him that rush Christmas Wish List.
I hope you and your child enjoys your visit here at my website
I can have an odd sense of humour at times, Sign my guestbook and find out.
Check back every once in a while and see what's new with , I'm constantly added new websites and homepage links.
Visit my Child's Puppy in Pocket Page
What's New in the Toy Stores
Recent Vinyl Toy-Warning-from Ottawa, Canada
Links to other sites on the Web
Visit Irwin Toys- You remember Slinky!
Home of the Beanie Baby, send postcards etc.
Home of Galoob Toys; Micro-machines, Star Wars toys.
Haysbro Toys maker of Kenner label; Littlest Pet Shop, GI Joe, Monolopy
The Offical Lego Website
Mattel Home of; Barbie, Polly Pocket, Fisher Price, Matchbox
Quote of the Week: "Experience is the one thing you have plenty of when you're too old to get the job" AUTHOR UNKNOWN
A listing of my "favourite toys" as a young girl.
Please Sign my Guestbook. Sorry had to re-enter guestbook. The other one
Premmiemom's For the Love of Toys Guestbook