Premmiemom's For the Love of Toys Homepage

Hi I'm Premmiemom. Welcome to my 2nd homepage. Updated November 15/98
Please bear with new at this stuff. I recently choose a "theme" for this website. I dedicate it to "our Love" for Toys. Its not a "put down" site making fun of children's toys. It's a site that envokes memories of childhood, and the simply pleasure in "A Toy". Although we as Parents, get quite fed up with the shear #'s of toys our children have you still can't deny the "pleasure" they receive from them. Please stop by a few links I've listed, with toys comes the "Letter to Santa" e-mail him that rush Christmas Wish List.
I hope you and your child enjoys your visit here at my website For the Love of Toys
I can have an odd sense of humour at times, Sign my guestbook and find out.
Check back every once in a while and see what's new with TOYS, I'm constantly added new websites and homepage links.

Links for my Homepage

Visit my Child's Puppy in Pocket Page
What's New in the Toy Stores
Recent Vinyl Toy-Warning-from Ottawa, Canada

Links to other sites on the Web

Visit Irwin Toys- You remember Slinky!
Home of the Beanie Baby, send postcards etc.
Home of Galoob Toys; Micro-machines, Star Wars toys.
Haysbro Toys maker of Kenner label; Littlest Pet Shop, GI Joe, Monolopy
The Offical Lego Website
Mattel Home of; Barbie, Polly Pocket, Fisher Price, Matchbox

Quote of the Week: "Experience is the one thing you have plenty of when you're too old to get the job" AUTHOR UNKNOWN

A listing of my "favourite toys" as a young girl.

Favourite doll: Malibu Suntan Barbie
Favourite game: Operation (still scares the heck out of me)
Favourite seasonal toy: skipping rope games "ie" Fudge, fudge call the judge
Premmiemom's having a baby
Pearl, pearl its a "girl"
Daddy going crazy
Wrap it up in tissue paper
Place it in the esculator
How many pounds do it weigh?
(then you fast skip till you "trip" counting as high as you can go
Favourite fad toy: The clappers (ceramic balls on strings you'd clap together, nearly put your eye out with those "ouch"
Favourite Christmas Present: a new bike
Most Dumb game as a child: Iron-horse - (Some Parents may remember this game)

Please Sign my Guestbook. Sorry had to re-enter guestbook. The other one disappeared.
Premmiemom's For the Love of Toys Guestbook

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