

Maddee's World

Hello! Welcome to my web page. My name is Madison Louise. My friends call me Maddee. I am a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. A what??? It is a really long name for a happy, goofy scent hound. You can shorten that to PBGV, (peanut butter grape vines) if that is easier for you.


My mom is helping me with this site. She is new at this so bear with us. Hopefully she will be helping me make daily improvements so stop by often.


Sit back, relax, and meet my friends and family. Thanks for coming to visit.

Would you like to see more of me? Check out my photo album.

Meet my brother at Kirby's Korner.

I have a lot of Kitty Buddies.

Please visit some of my friends and family.

I was shot with an arrow. =( See my miraculous recovery.

Want a kitten? Here are some really cute ones.

Finally, an update!

Would you like to learn more about PBGVs? Got to PBGV-L.

Meet my friends Alf and Ozzy.

Henry and Puffin have an awesome web page!

I even know PBGVs in Florida. Visit Rosanne's page.

Bake yummy dog treats at home.

Find cool animal graphics at The Dog Hause.

Donna lives in California and raises Harriers.

The Pooka has really cool doggy stuff.

Great dog books can be found at the WWW-world wide woof!

Some of my favorite treats come from the Three Dog Bakery.

Get some great graphics from these sites.

The Woodshed

Image O'Rama

A Touch of Country

Adorable Borders and Backgrounds Too

Nancy's Basket

Texture World

Bluize Graphic Grabbag


Please send me some mail.

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* Maddee * Kirby * Kitty Buddies * Friends and Family * Miracle Maddee * Kittens *
