Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4 (NIV)

Welcome to Robin's Nest

Hi! My name is Robin aka Tayne Noel, and this is my little nest
on the web! I am a Christian, wife, and mother and have tried to
create pages that show my love for the Lord. These are also pages
of my likes, loves, scriptures, and important causes to me or my
family that show a little glimpse of who I am and what I like to do!

There is plenty to see around here, so get a little something to
drink, get comfortable, and you'll be ready to start looking around!
My hope is that you'll want to come back often, as I am trying
to add, change or update fairly often!
I have made these pages for glory of our Lord.

Center Hill Church of the Brethren
Homepages for my church--stop by to visit!!

"I Said A Prayer For You Today"

River's Bend Quilters
Very nice site for a great quilt club!!

"Red Roses"
(Very touching, beautiful poem about a husband's love.

"Deadly Substances"
(**Poem about DRUGS
by Michael Jeffery Antonelli**)

Pages for Children
Pages with riddles, puzzles, etc. FOR KIDS!!!

Are you "game"? Try it out!!

Quilts & Quilting

Groundhog Day

Pray: God is Listening!

For Mary ---created in memory
of a friend who passed away from cancer 9/29/98.

Sign & View my Guestbook

Sydney's page

Scripture references: for feelings, what the
Bible is, if you're in need, scripture showing who Jesus is, etc.
These pages just keep growing !


LOTH Sisters

Thanksgiving Page

Christmas Pages


Counted Cross Stitch

Needle Tatting

Flowers & Gardening

Graphic Links



This page is a huge list of Christian sites for your enjoyment! Please
have a look at some of them as they are all very good! If you have
a Christian homepage, please consider joining the large list at Christ Now!

Want to exchange banners? Send me an email.

Graphics by Lu's Graphics

Visitors to my page since 10/31/98.

Page created and maintained by
Robin aka Tayne Noel
October 27, 1998.
Updated August 26, 1999.

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