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Vol. 5, Spring, April, 2000

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Peter writes:
Love it out here in Idaho and would never move back east for all the money in the world! Building a log home one hour north of where I am now - near St. Maries, Idaho. Construction goes on here through the winter - now up to second story. Drove back for the holidays - great way to see so much of this country. Met some great people along the way - they get worse when you get closer to the east. The people here in Idaho are the nicest of any place I have ever been. Hope you can come up and visit when my new home is up.Will finish a lot of the inside when I get in. Barbara is back in Florida - but has the same e-mail address. (See address change below.)

 Mom & Dad moved to a new location since their apartment building went "condo". Mark your calendars for February 2002. It will  be their 65th (!!!!) wedding anniversary party. I am already planning!

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Donna writes:
We are all well and happy. Chevee is still in Hawaii and will be there for another year...the Marines
have him and we don't hear much from him...he's all grown up now and independant.
Penney is still here in Fairmont and she & I work together in a doctor's office.

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Vicki writes:
December 1999: Today I sent 17 first graders down the hallway for a 12-day vacation.
My "shining stars" are a joy to teach & to love!
I purchased a computer in September, but since mom's 2-wk hospitalization & move to the nursing home in October, I never set it up. I hope we can continue to stay in touch by e-mail.

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Marshall writes:
I just looked at the family website for the first time in months.  I noticed
you do not have my sister, Vicki's, email so thought I would drop it to you: .She is a true newbie.
We are well.  My mother, Mildred Dodd, has been in a nursing home since last
November and is almost completely blind but doing well.

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Florence writes:
   The walls of the Seminole Community Library have been graced by paintings by area artists since 1993. Florence & another artist were the first to show their works there. Now, she gets help from an artist from Belleair Bluffs, whose works are also on display.
   Shortly after the Seminole Community Library opened in 1992, the women approached the library director with their idea. The first show was held in conjunction with the library's first anniversary party.
   "We felt that the patrons of the new Seminole Library should be able to enjoy artwork while they browsed," Florence said. "In those days we even bought the hooks and chains for hanging the pictures! I mainly do watercolors," she added, "I don't paint to sell, but more for my own enjoyment." .......and also for her four children and seven grandchildren. "Painting is a wonderful outlet for me!"

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Laurie writes:
I am still am making skating costumes. Please visit me on the web! My skating costume company is called: "It's a Laurie! Original". I 've put together a collection of  pictures of some of my creations. Click on the button below to visit:
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Danielle says:
Well, you know...... things are going pretty well here. We moved into the new house. Ricky graduates from high school this year. This picture was taken during Jim & Sandy's visit to Fla. in October, 1999.
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L-R: Kristie Martines, Florence Dodd, Debbie Martines,
Jim Hand, Sandy Hand, Danielle Martines

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Sandy writes:
We will be going back to Florida in October to visit again. I have been in touch with a lot more pf my high school alumni since last fall & we are going to have our own little reunion. It will be lots of fun!
Jim is still at the AZ State Prison Complex here in Tucson, & me, well, I am still at the Court.

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Marge writes:
Weather here hasn't been real good. Rain every day and for the last three weekends.
Oh well, everything is real green.  I wrote to Pete.  He was glad to hear from me.  It's so nice that we cousins can now keep in touch so easily and can sort of be a part of each others lives and
interests.  He sounds real happy. I am so glad for him.  His house is almost done.  Four more weeks..

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Dot writes:
Uncle George was the "Featured Resident of the Month" at the Laurelwood Center. His hugs are strong and his smiles are plentiful. I take him to all the "going on's" and he enjoys listening & watching. Sometimes participates with help on a golf stick or bowling ball.
Richard was here for 3 days. Gave me some great company.
I am now president of the Greater Danbury Church Women United & it keeps me busy.
Marge won the Sr. State Bowling Rourney (in her division) again this year & will go to Reno at the end of May to bowl in the Nationals. Last year, she bowled agains women from 44 states & came in 7th, so we are hoping she will do well this year, also.
I still volunteer 4 mornings a week at the Red Cross office.


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Dates to Remember
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary to all!

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2117 W. Tanglewood Dr., Tucson, AZ 85745-1352

© 2000, Sandy Hand, all rights reserved. Last Updated & Verified: Thursday, April 19, 2001 08:14 PM
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