~To My "Collecting" Page!~
I see you made it to the page of collections! My biggest collection is My Beanie Baby collection, which has gotten out of hand! I own around 175 Beanie Babies, a Beanie Baby house, 20+ Beanie Buddies, and around 15 Pillow Pals! Oh, let us not forget the Mc Donalds Teenie Beanie Babies. Yes, I'm one of those crazy collectors that has stood in lines, bought food I didn't really want, and surfed the net, just to get my hands on yet one more Beanie Baby! I've decided now, after spending all that time and money, that it probably wasn't one of my smarter moves! Although I am not going to give away my little friends, I am not going to go out of my way to acquire many more playmates for them. But to be perfectly honest about this matter, I would have to say I have enjoyed every frenzied moment trying to grab up these things! My favorites are the bears! I don't have any of the really rare ones, but I do Have Glory, Osito, Spangle, Erin, Princess, Clubby I and Clubby II, and others. All together I have about 29 different bears.
My Precious Moments collection got started when I went to work for a Hallmark store that sold the pieces. They were just too "Precious" to resist! I think in the 18 months or so that I worked there, I probably made less than 10.00 after I paid for the ones I brought home! I haven't added to my collection in over 12 years now. I have sold a few here and there, but for the most part I really enjoy them and how different ones have reflected things about me when I got them.
I have my Mother-in-law to blame for my Dept. 56 Snow Village collection. When she and my Father-in-law were getting ready to move from their very large two story house to a much smaller one, she gave us her pieces. I was delighted! Little did I know then, that both my husband and I were going to go head over heels for more pieces to add to our collection. Unlike Beanie Babies, Snow Village cost WELL over 6.00 each! Every year about November, we get out all our village pieces and make a little town out of them. It is a favorite stopping place for our friends during the holidays, to see how the town has grown from year to year. My husband always tells my daughter and me to put everything where we want it and he'll see to it that everything lights up as it should. He is such a dear!
I have always loved ANGELS! I never knew that I would have one of my own, but since I do, I adore them even more. The Cherubs are my favorite, of course! I like them all really.
My newest and maybe my silliest collection is those little plastic Chevron Cars that have eyeballs where the headlights should be, and they move when you roll the car. I think I now have all of the available cars. I have a pick-up truck carrying chickens, pulling a horse trailer, a 4 wheel drive car with mud bikes on it, and a semi to carry some of them in. The one saving thought is that any time there are kids at our house, they love to play with them. So I look at it as an investment for my future Grandchildren!
I guess you could say we also collect pets! We have a 55 gallon aquarium that my husband fiddles with. He used to like to build models in the days before the kids, so he had built a destroyer submarine. Well, one day when the kids were playing in the house with a ball, that submarine got destroyed! He then came up with the idea to sink it to the bottom of the tank and use it as a decoration. It looks great!
We also have two precious dogs, Ginger and Gracie! They are just an extension of the family. Ginger is about 4 years old. She is part Golden Retriever and part Spaniel. She is so pretty. Her biggest fear is thunder! She can smell it coming! We try to make sure she is safe inside if we think a storm is going to come up while we're away from the house. She loves to be petted and pampered! Gracie is a purebred Shetland Sheepdog. She is a tri-color and almost 1 1/2 years old. We travelled to Illinios to get her. She loves to play with a bone or fetch a ball. She loves children too, but sometimes she gets too excited and starts jumping on them. We took her on a long road trip with us last summer and she did great. She loves to sit in my lap with her head right in front of the air conditioner vent.
Well, for now that's it on the collections at our house. Stay tuned for regular updates and you never know - maybe a NEW collection!!
Want to talk about collecting with me? I love to get e-mail so don't be shy, send me some today!
This page was created on September 20, 1999.
Visitors since September 20, 1999.