AUGUST 19, 1999

This is a very special award given by Dianne for the love displayed on this site, and to encourage this mom to always keep hope and love in her heart! Heartfelt thanks go to Dianne and a {{{BIG HUG}}} too! Visit Dianne by clicking the award.
August 24, 1999
These two awards are from Sammy.
They are beautiful and they will be cherished!
They were given to honor Patrick's pages. Please
visit Sam's pages by clicking the awards.
thanks and a big {{{HUG}}} to Sammy!
August 24, 1999
It's beautiful Sam! Thanks again!
September 17, 1999
This award given by Michele "in recognition of hard
work on this website." Thank you Michele! It was a
labor of love! She said this award contains
the artwork of her son Anthony and is given
in his memory. I am honored to display it on my site.
{{HUGZ}} to you Michele!
September 19, 1999
This award is from Lynn Owens, given in memory
of her daughter Erica. Thank you Lynn, and a big {{HUG}}.
It's beautiful! Please visit Lynn's site.
September 23,1999
This award is from Lesley. Thank you so much!
Ya'll please visit her site - it's special and
contains some important information
Hugs to you Lesley!
December 22, 1999
This award comes from Michele,of the group,
"My Mom Is A Survivor".
Thank you Michele, for this thoughtful award.
Please click on the award to visit this
special site.
January 12, 2000
This award is from Shawnee's Paradise.
Please click on the award to visit her website.
Thank you so much - it's beautiful.
January 12, 2000
This is a beautiful award!
Suzie, this is really lovely and I thank you so much!
I'll treasure it always!
March 30, 2000
Thank you Brinda, for this beautiful award.
Your words of kindness were so appreciated - God bless!
June 2001
Thank you Christie, for this beautiful award
TO see a very special gift please click here. We are so proud of this one!
Let's go back to My Homepage!
Counter reset June 25, 2001
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