This page will be devoted to my research on the WORK surname. The pictures above are of my grandparents, Hulda Ann SMITH WORK and John (NMN) WORK. This was from their wedding picture taken in 1904.
So far, all of my research has been located in Ohio; however, the original ancestors were born in PA and NJ, respectively.
I welcome any feedback or suggestions concerning this page or the descendant list that follows. Please email me!
John WORK, born abt 1766 in PA, died 1850/60 in OH; married Anna (possibly KIRKPATRICK) born 1788 in NJ, died between 1870/80 in OH. Place and date of marriage are unknown. NOTE: The following are children I found named on the 1850 census, therefore, they were the ones living at home. Aaron is buried in Stockport and there are two graves, Sarah died in 1842? and Thomas born abt. 1840 and died Nov 1842. The ages seem to indicated that they were siblings of Lydia and Aaron. Which stands to reason because on the 1840 census, there is 2 males and 3 females that I cannot name.
Children of John and Anna were:
- Lydia WORK, born abt 1810, died after 1880; married Alexander GREER in 1855. There were no children from this marriage. Alexander was born in Ireland abt. 1818 and died before 1860. His previous marriage was to a Hannah and there were several children to this union.
- Aaron WORK, born 1830, died 1891; married Olive PARKER, born 1840, died 1903. She was the daughter of Calvin PARKER and Louisa CHEADLE. (Generation 2)
Children of Aaron and Olive were:
- John WORK, born 1872, died 1947; married Hulda Ann SMITH, born 1884, died 1956. She is the daughter of Ezra SMITH and Mary Jane CONE.
Children of John and Hulda were:
- Ruth Irene WORK married Clyde ANTILL
- Raymond Ezra WORK married Ethel THOMAS
- Flossie Ann WORK married Estel Ray SMITH
- Levi Clayton WORK married Elizabeth WORLEY GUFFEY
- Denver Golden WORK married Mary Josephine COOLEY
- Harry WORK married Minni Vernetta HOGE
- Bernice Eileen WORK married Joy Wendell WOGAN
- Anna Elizabth WORK, born 1874, died 1953; married Robert Emmett SHINN born 1860, died 1940.
Children of Anna and Emmett were:
Mary WORK, born 1876, died 1959; married Elmer L. BRILL, born 1868(?), died 1939.
Children of Mary and Elmer were:
- Russell Samuel BRILL died 1959
- Lawrence Elmer BRILL married Ada Elizabeth HOGUE
- Watson Parker BRILL married Lola McGREW ELLIS
- Dale Dean BRILL died ?
- Dorothy Olive BRILL married Friend Emery WALLACE
- William Dean BRILL married June Margaret COWLES
- Earl Josiah BRILL married Barbara Louise TULLIS
- Samuel (NMN) WORK, born 1879, died 1968; married Allie Bell DURFEE, born 1890, died 1927. Allie Bell was a first cousin to Hulda Ann SMITH through the CONE family.
Children of Samuel and Allie were:
- Olive Gladys WORK married Charles Henry WILLIAMS
- Mary Eliza WORK married Gerald Everett CHAPPELEAR
- Roy Elsworth WORK married Doris Kathern MERCER
- Mabel Louise WORK married John Henry DICKSON
- Willie Edgar WORK married Elsie Mabel DOZER
- Mildred Lucille WORK married Elmer "Red" Richard DICKSON
- Verna Marie WORK married died 1994
- Chester Lee WORK married Doris Roseanna KLIES
- Wayne Samuel WORK married Myrna Evelyn DENNIS
- Gerald WORK died at birth
- William WORK, born abt 1843. This is all we know about William. I feel it is possible (because of his age) that he may not have been the son of John and Anna, but possibly a grandson.
Following are some links to the families listed above and to other genealogical home pages that I thought were very good. Please visit them and let me know what you think.
- My Smith Family Research. This is the family history of Hulda Ann SMITH.
- My Cone Family Research. This is the family history of Mary Jane CONE.
- Cone Research Page. This is an excellent page provided by the Cone family for displaying research on several parts of the family.
- My Wogan Family Research. This is my research on the Wogan Family. I have not explored to many of the families tied into this family. Other surnames included are STRAHL, DENNIS, HARDWAY, and DOAN.
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