This page is dedicated to our precious baby girl Jaclynne Renee Comiskey.
Jackie was born July 31, 1997 and we lost her to SIDS on February 7, 1998.
"Holding you, I held everything."


This is Jaclynne Renee at 3 months old all dressed up in her beautiful baptismal gown.


Lighting New Mexico... with love for our children.
A candle lighting ceremony in Albuquerque, NM for all the children of the world,  who have passed away before their time. 
In honor of National Children's Memorial Day,
December 12, 1999.
For more information call:  505-880-0240

Email me at dee@nmtr.unm.ed


Jackie is our shining star, tonight... tomorrow night... and forever. 
She is our only child.  The day we lost her to SIDS, we lost a huge part of ourselves.  Our lives have never returned to any type of normalcy, and I have a feeling we never will..  This page is an outlet for me so that I can continue to share my beautiful baby girl with the world.  She is survived by her parents Joe & Dee, and tons of extended family that still miss her on a daily basis.  Jackie's favorite character is Bugs Bunny.  Everytime I layed her on her changing table to dress her she would carry on a conversation with a picture of Bugs.  We played "The Dance" by Garth Brooks at her funeral, and to this day we can not hear that song without shedding tears.   Joe and I are so proud of our baby girl...  Jaclynne is a heart valve donor, and some day I would like to write letters to the parents of the two recipients that received her heart valves.

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