UV Protective Webpages
Ddarrambaxtys Home Page
This is Geoff's Homepage

For Science Fiction Filmscripts, Solar Protective Clothing for Kids
and lots of other stuff.

Hope you enjoy it.

My interests are:
Writing sci-fi filmscripts - ( Email me for a sample )
Support for Terraforming Mars - Want some ideas?
Researching Heat & Solar Protective clothing for hot climates


For all your movie needs, visit
and if you want really good music, visit their
CD SITE as well.

I like to meet new people in the GeoCities chat rooms. Check out the Community Leaders for my neighborhood. They're great!

View my site
UV Protective Webpages
telling how to protect your kids from Heat and U.V.
View some photos taken during the solar protective research project

Contact me
if you're interested in further details - for instance, if you'd like to make protective clothing or the "Heritage" Style shirts.
my e-book & pattern on making your own protective shirts
UV Clothing Webpages

Read my Kids' Sci-Fi novel,
A play for young actors: "YOUNG SPARTACUS" or fantasy novel "NIGHTWALK"
Download it if you like.
My Sci-fi novel "Yanada" is an e-book. You may download it, but you'll have to change the final extension .pdf to .exe before it will work. To prevent viruses,wares and software piracy, Geocities doesn't allow .exe files to be saved on their server. I had to save it as a PDF file. "Yanada.exe" is an e-book so it decompresses onto a folder on your Hard Drive. The best way to get it down is to FTP it. If you have Acrobat Reader on your machine, it will try to download it as a PDF file. (Sorry it gets so complicated.) so try to download it via FTP if you can.
Want to get in touch with me?

Email me!

Search key words:
UV Ultra violet kids protection children clothing solar protection heat hot weather protective clothing solarwear sunscreen heritage shirts bush shirts overalls
film scripts science fiction science films TV Features childrens films
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PAGE UPDATED 12 July 2001
Music copyright 1999 Zero Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. MUSIC THEME: "Credits" from Crop Circles (C.)