Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED 'DARLIE DID IT' Web Site
In June 1996, two young boys were mercilessly stabbed to death. Their mother, Darlie Routier, was convicted by a jury of her peers on the overwhelming evidence against her. Ms. Routier received the death sentence, in keeping with the laws of the State of Texas.
But Darlie has friends and supporters in her desire for release. These people want Darlie retried because they say she didn't do this crime - directly contradicting all evidence and common sense. How could this be? How can anyone be so gullible to believe her to be innocent of this crime?
To believe Darlie, one must conclude the following persons were involved in a conspiracy - Doctors, nurses, paramedics, court transcriptionist, police, investigators, FBI agents, photographers, friends, the trial judge, the prosecuting team, and polygraph examiners. Yes, apparently even the polygraph examiner for Darlie believe she lied when questioned on her actions on that fateful day in Rowlett, Texas.
To her supporters, I say this: Come on, people. Wake up and use the common sense God gave you. This woman is right where she belongs - and you know it. You may not like it, but you KNOW it. Read the transcripts and the case history found at the links to the left. Go ahead. You too will come away with the absolute surety of this woman's guilt. I guarantee it. |