Jolene is from the "Infamous"
Johnsondale "J" litter. A legend in her own time. She finished her Am
Championship at 8 1/2 months and was the exception to the rule, that puppy Champions fall
apart. She went on to win an all breed BIS, the US and Canadian National Specialties. The
first Belgian Sheepdog to have won both Nationals. A multi group winner/placer. A true
breeders dream.
Finished her American Championship at 8
Mo. w/ 3 majors 3 BOB's
Her first Goup Placing at 10 mo.
Best Puppy in Group in Canada at 10 mo.Group Placer in Canada at 10 mo.
1989 U.S. National - BOB & Select
1990 Westminster KC - BOB
1991 Westminster KC - BOS
1991 Canadian National - BOB
The first Belgian in history to win both U.S. & Canadian National.
1991 U.S. National - Winner of Brood Bitch Class - entry of 9 others
1991 All-Breed BEST IN SHOW - entry 1268
Second bitch in history to win an All-Breed BEST in SHOW
Achieved her HOF in 1991
Multi Group Winner and Placer
5 times Select, 1989 1991 1995 1996 1997
Dam of:
14 Champions
5 Selects
1 Group Winner
4 Group Placers
1 2X BOB Winners at U.S. Nationals
1 BOB at Canadian Nationals
1 BOS at U.S. Nationals
1st Belgian Sheepdog Bitch to get UKC Championship
1 Best Puppy at U.S. Nationals
1 RWD & 1 RWB at U.S. Nationals
1 Pedigree "Best of the Best" Winner

Dolly was born on my birthday and that
made her very Special from the beginning. Picked when she was 5 weeks old, she would sit
on my lap and boss all the other pups around. This was her nature through life...to boss.
She finished her Am Championship in 9 shows with 3 majors, BOB over a Special and went on
to a Group 3. She finished her Can. Championship in 4 shows by going BOB over Specials
each time.
BSCA Top Producer in 1987 and 1990
Achieved her ROM in 1993
Dam of the famous "Johnsondale
J" litter
Only dam in history to produce 3 Group
Winners in one litter
Also produced 2 different Westminster
KC winners
Dam of:
13 Champions
1 All Breed Best in Show bitch
1 HOF bitch
1 ROM male
4 Selects
4 Group Winners
3 Group Placers
1 BOB 1989 U.S. National
2 BOB at Canadian Nationals...1989 & 1993
WB at 1990 U.S. National
1 Pedigree "Best of the Best" Winner
2 Westminster KC BOB
1 Westminster KC BOS
1 Westminster KC WB
Numerous Winners at Area Specialties and Supported Entry Shows

OFA 1383G39F lost an eye at 11 wks...no
CERF done
Whelped: May 15, 1988
Monique was a daughter of Jana, linebred
on Jana 3-2. She is the best procucing female of females I ever owned or bred. She
personifies the excellent bitch type I am known for today. At 11 weeks of age, she had an
eye injury, resulting in losing the eye. Because of this she could not be shown.
She was the dam of:
11 Champions - 9 of them
2 HOF bitches
1 ROM bitch
2 Select bitches
3 area BISS Area
Specialty bitches
BOS 1992 US
1 RWB 1991 US National -
from the puppy class
1 Goup Winner bitch
4 Group Placer bitches
2 Westminster Award of Merit bitches

CH Jana v
OFA 640-T Good CERF 119-85/38
Whelped: July 28, 1982
Jana was imported by me at 9 weeks of age
she came bounding out of the crate to take on the world and my heart. She was the
foundation bitch of my import breeding program. I give the credit to her for my
outstanding bitch quality. She finished her Championship in 10 shows, taking the points at
Dam of:
9 Champions
1 Select - from the puppy
class - a 1st
Best Puppy 1986 US
1 Group Winner
2 Group Placers

Fancy finished easily with 2 - 5 pt
majors and finishing with a BOB over Specials and a group "pull". She was a
daughter of Veiny de la Douce Plaine.
Dam of:
3 Champions
1 Group Placer

Bijou was from my last litter of
Johnsondale's Indy Dark Jewel to Ch Ward v Amstelhof that I had. This was the 3rd
breeding. Jewel had one more litter to Ward, that Sylvia Banks had in Canada.
"Bijou" was a group placer in Canada. She received her ROM in
Dam of:
8 Champions
2 ROM sons
1 HOF bitch
3 Selects
2 Group Winners
4 Group Placers
Best Puppy 1990 US
WD, BOW, BOB 1990 US
RWB 1990 US National
Reserve High in Trial
Herding 1992 US National

She had a wonderful temperament and many
judges made comment about this. She was an alpha dog, and totally my
daughter's dog who put all of her titles on her, except the Mexican title.
She was my first experience with the Belgians and I was "hooked" after
her. She was a Group Placer.
Dam of:
9 Champions
1 Group Winner
1 Best Puppy in Group in
1 WD 1982 Canadian National
Youngest American & Canadian Champion
in the Breed (8 months)

Gilli is "my buddy" going
everywhere with me. She is the last bitch I have from Sunny x Monique. She's a full sister
BISS, 3X Select, Ch Johnsondale's
Belle Sabree ROM CD,CGC,TDI,TT
Select at 1993 & 1998 National
BOB 1995 Potomac Valley Specialty
Select, Ch Johnsondale's Briton
WB,BOW & Select 1993 National
Ch Johnsondale's Beijing
WB 1993 Potomac Valley Fall Specialty
Ch Johnsondale's Gabrielle, HIC
Group Placer
Can Ch Johnsondale's Gemini, Ca
RWB 1993 National Specialty from the 9-12
Group Winner in Canada
BISS,Ch Johnsondale's Genevieve, CGC
RWB 1995 Potomac Valley Specialty
BOB 1996 Downeastern Supported Entry
Dam of:
1 Champion.

Imported from France along with her
litter sister, at 10 weeks of age. I sold her sister on co-own. I ended up having to sell
Bi when I got my divorce. She was bought for her outstanding pedigree, and I did not want
to part with her. I was able to get a puppy back when she was bred to Starbuck, so that I
could pick up her bloodlines again. She is "Jamie's" granddam.
Dam of 3 Champions.

Dam of:
10 Champions
1 Group Placer
l985 US National Best Puppy