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House for brother John



is Luck
long hair
in summer of 06 |
is Fuzz Kat or Hope
22 May 07 of
Cytauxzoonosis |
is Faith
hair & female |
is Charity, short hair & female too

kitten has a white spot on its tummy
My four black
kittens have been trying to help me build the house...LOL I throw roots I dig up
out of the way and they go jump on them and carry them back... One has
long hair but the others are hard to tell apart.. and I haven't named them....
But they are funny to watch!
a dear friend just named my kittens for me... Faith , Hope , Charity and Luck ..
LOL Don't know which is which, except the littlest one is a girl (all fixed) so
she should be Faith, and the fuzzy one (long hair) will be Hope. Thanks Lady...
that works for me! They were born 14 Feb. 2005...

New kitten Scoop cat
was dropped off and couldn't have been over 4 weeks old. He barely had teeth, I
bottle fed him.. I
don't know why people are so cruel! Got him Jun 2006..
turned out to own my heart... He was a love and a delight, one evening I watched
him stalk (Just like a lion) 6 full grown dear.. it was so funny...
May 19, 07 my heart died, Scoop died of the dreaded Tick disease of
miss him so....he used to run in to my trailer jump up on the desk and put his
front paws on my chest thrust his little head up under my chin and then sit
there sucking on his tongue thinking he was nursing on his momma... He slept in
the crook of my arm at night.. he had become like a person to me.. full of love
and trust...
the remaining 2 living cats will not get ticks on them. I am now usng frontline
from my Vet. and I'm misting their coats down with a cream rinse solution
(people hair cream rinse..) ticks hate it. Pray it will be enough. as the ticks
are infected by feeding off of Bob cats and I can't hunt the whole state of MO
to get rid f them...
starting my blog out with the statement below I really started clearing back in
Feb of 2005, but it is needed here so you understand what I'm doing.
I am building a
house of foam using the straw bale building concept.
August 2005
was asked a question on
which is a mailing list that discuss different methods of building cheap
"Sorry, I missed
them. I didn't make the connection. I remember reading
that you were using foam but I thought that was for something else. Sounds
interesting - where do you get these blocks? Do you have to put in
structural members to support the roof? Why is your foundation so wide?"
First... CLOSED CELL FOAM, was being used as a flotation devises for the docks in
the lake of the Ozarks. Environmentalist got a law passed to protect the fish
and birds because they were eating the foam. So NOW all foam must be encapsulated....
so all old foam must be removed...(by 2008) The Dock building places have
to pay extra for removal of the foam to the dump. special processing.... They
(the dock building places) will bring it to you FREE! (Locally)
STRAW BALES do not use structural supports... Why would closed cell foam??
In Straw Bale.... the complete wall becomes the support for the roof same
here.....You have to cap it though..
There is no foundation except under the wall the fireplace is... the two
doorways (North/South) and the center wall... The center wall ditch I am digging
is about 3 ft but the foundation will be about 2 ft wide by 4 inches
deep then have cement block built up to the level of the east wall so that
the wall will retain my dirt floor. the reason so wide to retain the dirt floor.
That wall will be wood and support the shed roof I will be using, it
is High in center going lower at the east and a second shed roof going
lower at the west this will make it look like a peaked roof. which I can not
make by my self...
The Walls will be encapsulated by cement when the house is finished. Then I
guess they will also become part of the structural support of the roof.
Does that explain it better? Will it work? I have no idea... But I'm
trying it!
with pictures of where I live.
is the dirt road I live on, this is looking south.

is center
is where I live....see the 12 ft trailer to the left beside it is my 27ft RV... the
pile of foam above is south of the RV. (yes that is another foam pile on the
right just past the white building and flag.)

is looking north (standing in front of my trailer). Just
below the hill is my closest neighbor... We buy water from him. the the dirt
road going to the left goes down the hill to the west and other properties.
(black spot in road.. one of the kittens.)
July 2005:
started clearing land this spring (Feb. 05) I hand weeded the area this took
about three weeks. Then had two 30 - 40 ft oak trees cut down, cut up into
firewood and hauled down to my sister's house.

in front of where I'm building look back at where I live. Left side see the hose
right side see the hose.. Those pictures connect. The road is to the right.
then had a friend help me do the corners so that it was square... I hand dug the
corners so that cement pads would be at each corner...He insisted stating that
the corners would be the support for the roof, but he does not understand the
concept of strawbale housing. The whole wall supports evenly. We did use a
transit for the upper corners, but he quit when I insisted that there would be
no pillers on the corners to support the roof beams. But thats better because he
wasn't putting any upright rebar for the foam to connect to the foundation
pads....but I can get around that... (I was paying him $10.00 an hour, so you
would think he would follow my directions)
is my blueprints (if you can call them that....). But it will give you an idea
what my house will be like.

Going to put some
windows in south and west wall
Had to change the east wall due to a tree stump... and will still try the circular wall for the porch..
12, 2005....
area on the left is just an alcove, where the first drawing was a straight wall,
I had to jog out to the left (east) to get past two large tree trunks that I
could not remove from the ground. So the foundation jogs at the tree trunk then
straightens, then goes back to the normal north south wall. You'll understand
when I get the pictures on line. The porch, sits on a hillside and overlooks
where my sister has her house. the east wall faces the dirt road. About a month
ago, my sister saw a mountain lion between where my house is and her house...
yes we are in the country!

side of foam stack see the bucket in foreground? that's the north east corner of
where the house goes. second picture is standing same place and looking west
down the hill toward my sister's house...

below or west of the house site, looking up the hill the road is on the other
side of the stack of foam

south across the house site
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