<BGSOUND SRC="/wayne_doner/userfiles:/user/Wearefamily.mid">
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Welcome to
Wayne's  Place
Sabrina is into Music and has a liking for Rap music inparticular,But she does like other forms of Music as well.
HEY!!!   My name is Wayne and i  am glad to meet ya.  I am currently employed at a local factory where we make cookies.I  have been bit by the genealogy bug so stand back or you  may get the  itch to learn your family history. I also enjoy time with my family as well.
Find your family's favorites here!!
Reading is a great family activity!
click here
this many visitors
since 10/18/98
Tommy Lee Thornsbury
Adalene Aigotti   My  lil sister  
E-mail us your thoughts on our web page.
Or just say Hello!! we will get back to you Pronto!!
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Winfield  Doner    my twin brother
Cookie Stevens   My sister's place
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Glenda Doner my sister in law
John Doner Sr. My Dad
Brandon is very nuch into the playstation.His favorite games are Driver2 and GTA2.He has developed a liking to 80s Pop  and Country music
Sarah is another  one who likes Rap music She also is possesed my the movie CHICAGO and has the movie and the soundtrack..She also likes to watch the Operation on The Dicovery Channel.
Brink & Cassie"s  page
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You need Java to see this applet.