T. Snuksta
21, 1923 ~ January 4, 2000
Every once
in a while a person comes into your life and touches
your heart
in a way that it is often hard to explain. "Snooks" was
such a person.
I have known
"Snooks" ever since I was a little girl. I remember
newspapers to his room at the hotel in my early teens.
He worked
on road construction. It wasn't until later years that
I learned
he worked on building I-80. He always left his paper
money on his
dresser for me along with a tip to buy a
candy bar.
In my early
20's I got to know him better and would visit him
at the
hotel. He lived in one room at a hotel for near
40 years.
He was a quiet man. All one knew was his wife died at
a young age
from TB while he was being treated for TB himself
and that they
had a small son. This was back in the 1950's.
He never talked
much about it until the past two years.
his sister gained custody of his son and also his home.
He didn't
talk much about what happened, but he and his sister
became estranged
not long after this happened. To his final days
he didn't
go into details, but his never did reconcile with his sister.
He said his
son would stop in every once in while to see him.
I never met
his son. All I know is he passed away 1991.
"Snooks" was
a quiet man. Some will remember a period that he
drank too
much, but "he never hurt a soul". As he got older I
would try
to help him here and there. I got tired of watching how
easy it was
for people to take advantage of him.
In 1992 he
became ill and had to see a Doctor on a daily basis.
I caught
wind that a person in this town was charging him $10 each
day to take
him there. To pick him up - see the Doctor- and return
home only
took one hour. It would be one thing if this man could
afford to
pay that money, but my family and I knew different.
I went down
and told him I would take him. LOL ~ I remember
him asking
me to go into the room with him "I don't understand
anything that
Doctor says to me". Basically, it came down that
if he didn't
quit drinking and take better care of himself he would
not have much
time left. I told him I was willing to help him as
much as I
could, but if he wanted to live more than two years
he should
quit with the drinking. He stopped that July day in 1992.
It still took
him some time to learn to trust me and to realize that
a true friend
is going to help you without expecting anything in
return. Well
almost nothing. All I expected was for him to try
to take better
care of himself and be happy. A smile was payment
What started
out as taking him to the Doctor's every three months,
filling out
financial papers at the end of the year to help get him a
better income,
and just generally checking on him grew to the
point that
he became like family to me and the rest of my family.
He was included
in family dinners and holidays. We even started to
have a family
birthday dinner for him. LOL ~ he was like a child
when it came
to dropping hints that his birthday was coming up
and fishing
around to see if there was going to be a birthday
dinner or
We have celebrated
his birthdays each year for the last 6 years.
It has always
humbled me to watch the enjoyment he got from a
small birthday
cake and a couple presents shared with "family".
Somewhere along
the way I knew things changed with the way he
viewed my
family and I. I think the day he referred to my daughters
as "my girls"
was the day I realized that "Snooks" finally felt like
he belonged.
I remember chuckling and giving him a hug and
telling him
it was ok to call them "my girls". My husband's
father and
mine both died when we were small children, so my
did not know what it was like to have a grandfather.
"Snooks" became
a grandfather like figure to them and my
nephew. They
have known him for as long as their memories go.
Jess was about
2 when she first met "Snooks" and Jamie wasn't
born. LOL-
I remember letting "Snooks" baby-sit Jess for 45
minutes once.
People in town thought I was crazy to do this, but I
don't think
anyone could have cared for her better. She fussed and
he pushed
her through the hallways in her stroller till I return.
Theses three
teenagers were protective of "Snooks" to the end.
They would
visit him, do anything they could to make him happy.
Help when
help was needed. And at his request, Jessica played
for him during the military part of his funeral. She held
her tears
in till she was done playing.
I remember
the day we went to a lawyer and "Snooks" had me
as his power of attorney. The lawyer told him that I now
had the same
rights as if I was his natural born daughter. I
remember giving
him a hug in the parking lot and told him that
was about
as close as we could get to adopting each other. This
was about
11 days before his birthday in 1997. I pondered it a while.
I decided
to make a "surrogate family award" and had my husband
as well as
my daughter sign it with me. It basically stated that he
was considered
a part of our family and as such he was entitled
to the love
and respect that was shown to all our family members.
I remember
giving it to him on his birthday along with a few other
I remember explaining the thought behind it. I also told
him that where
we may not be family by blood the love we have for
each other
made us family. I remember his smile and the way he
would keep
glancing at it. He kept it on display at his home and
when anyone
asked about family he would refer to us as his family.
Such a small
and inexpensive gift, but it seemed to mean the
world to him.
In Feb 1998,
"Snooks" became seriously ill. That illness resulted in
him having
to be moved from his hotel room of almost 40 years
to a first
floor apartment. Many thought I should have put him in
a nursing
home years ago, but I made a promise to him that I
would do all
I could to prevent that from happening. I thank God
that it did
not come to that.
It only took
me about two hours to find an apartment that met our
needs. LOL-
the carpet was as ugly as sin. Worn and very old.
I moaned about
it till one of my friends pointed out that "Snooks"
loved it and
in comparison to his old hotel room, he thought
he was in
a mansion. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, so you can
guess how
big that seemed after so many years living in one room.
I remember
having to get him furniture. Some was donated by my
family and
friends. Some I bought new and some I bought used.
The one thing
I did insist on is buying him a new overstuff lazyboy
and a 20 inch
remote control color tv. LOL- they became his two
most favorite
possessions. Within two months, he told me how
much he loved
his apartment and how he wished he would have
agreed to
moved back in 1992 when I wanted to move him. It brought
me joy just
watching him in his new domain. He had to learn how
to work the
TV. Also , I bought him a microwave and a
and taught him to use. Had a phone installed and
after trying
3 different ones we found one he could understand.
He was so
proud of his new home and all that he learned.
So many things
that we just take for granted, but all was new to
him and his
learning abilities were limited. He could master it as
long as you
had patience and kept instructions simple.
At the time
of the move on 3/5/98, we were told by the Doctor with
all the new
illnesses she found that he may live for 2 months
or two years.
My heart was heavy. "Snooks" finally had things
nice for him.
I prayed to God that he would survive at least one
year to fully
enjoy his new home. I am thankful that God gave him
almost 2 years.
He had his good days and his bad days
but overall he seemed happy.
I think one
of the best memories was his first Christmas there.
I put up a
6 ft tree for him. It had an angel on top. He told me then
that was the
first he had a full size tree since his wife died.
He was like
a child. I had bought gifts for him and also small
ones for him
to hand out to my family. I used to walk in and
catch him
rooting under the tree. I put his tree up again this
year, even
though he was weak and ill. He left the lights
burning all
the time and I think seeing the angel on top
brought him
His health
started to decline around Nov. 4, 1999. On Dec 4th
I had him
admitted to the Hospice program. He rapidly lost
ground and
became very weak. By Christmas I knew in my
heart it wouldn't
be much longer. "Snooks" always seemed
fearful of
dying, but he seemed at peace in the last two weeks.
The day before
he died, we talked about it not being much
longer. He
told me he was too tired to do it anymore. I spoke
of us having
a long haul together. He told me it was fun.
At that point
for the first time he told me he loved me and thanked
me for being
there. Never a day went by that he didn't say
thanks but
that was the first "I love you" he spoke.
I worried so
much and pray to God that he would not die alone.
I prayed when
the time came that he would just go to sleep and
not wake in
the morning. God does answer prayers. I stayed with
him till shortly
after 1 am on the morning of his death. I left him in
the care of
a hospice nurse to go home for some sleep. What
woke me at
6 am, I don't know, but I was awake with the feeling
I needed to
go to him. The nurse informed me he became
at 2 am. I told him I was there even though
he was in
a deep sleep. As the nurses changed shift,
I sat and
held his hand singing to myself
"didn't we
almost have it all, my friend, when love was all
we had worth
giving - the ride with you was worth the fall,
my friend
- didn't we almost have it all" I then toold him it was
almost over
and that he he did it his way and I was so proud
of him. On
that note, he slipped into eternal rest.
The funeral
was hard on me. I lied awake the night before
crying, but
in retrospect, that night was filled with fond
memories that
made me smile. Over the years I tried to
explain the
relationship we had. To me he was family, but I
couldn't defined
what slot in our family. At 76 to my 39,
some thought
a father figure, but in honesty, and I don't
wish to be
disrespectful - I often referred to him as my over
grown son.
His trust in me was as complete as a small child's
in their parent.
He was an innocent in many ways and I
always felt
the need to protect him. He was a gentle soul.
His manners
were always respectful of others. He modesty
ran deep.
Anyone who took the time to break through his
modesty and
get to know him had to love him.
I think now
of lessons learned from each other. Through
"Snooks" I
learned humilty. Be humble in my everyday life
and do not
take things for granted. Realize nothing can replace
the love of
family and good friends. Through "Snooks", our
children learned
compassion and sensitivity to others and
what the true
meaning of "surrogate family" means.
Through me,
I feel "Snooks" learned that when someone loves
you they love
you as you are. The good with the bad. Love
is unconditional
and should know no boundries. Someone
that loves
you will be there and will do all to make you happy,
nothing in return, but knowing you are happy.
April 21, 1998
On the evening
of "Snooks" death I received the following
poem in an
email sent by one of my cyberpals. She related she
wrote it the
year before when "Snooks" was ill. I have read this
many times
and shared it with my family. It has brought comfort
to me over
the last few weeks.
I know your
heart is sad today,
Your friend
walked on, he couldn't stay.
And its so
hard to see him leave,
The sadness
that you feel and grieve,
Is lightened
by the memory of
This man's
total trust and love.
His trust in
you was so complete
That he could
rest in peace
And peacefully
His final days
were lived with pride
With his surrogate
family at his side.
In a place
of his own and a favorite chair
I like to
think of him sitting there.
Through you
I came to know this man
And felt his
joy and knew his pain.
But most of
all your love was there
And made his
life easier to bear.
So shed your
tears for just a while
and then remember,
with a smile
A friend who
loved you is never gone
He's just
ahead of you, he just walked on
By Mary
E. Johnson
My friend has
walked on and I do miss him, but I find peace
in the memories
I have of him. I thank God for the time
we had together
and I thank him that the end was so peaceful.
I find
comfort in the thought that "Snooks"
is safe in
God's keeping.
I think of
a line from a show I once watched:
"Remember me
with laughter ~ if you can only remember me
with tears
~ don't remember me at all "
I find that
I don't cry when I think of Snooks.
All my memories
brings a smile and laughter.