My Greatest Loves
As you have probably gathered by now, my husband and daughters are the love of my life.
There are many other things in life that gives me joy, but none compare to Jim and the girls.
I originally planned to name this page "Through the Years" but when I couldn't find a decent midi for the song, I changed it.
Below are pictures of "my greatest loves" through the years
I often refer to my husband as my "bested friend". He is my husband ~ my lover ~ but above all he is my best friend. Through his love, I have gained the confidence to grow into the person I am today. He supports me and encourages me in all I do ~ LOL ~ even if some are hairbrain ideas. He allows me to stand on my own two feet, but is there to catch me if I stumble.
He has given me his unconditional love. He has given me two daughters that I couldn't be more proud of.
He is ~ My Bested friend ~
To my Husband ~ Jim
I thank you for walking beside me through the years. Through the love we have shared ~ we have created "our family sundae". I have many things to be thankful for, but the most important is you and the girls. Without the three of you, I would be a lost soul. You and the girls are ~ MY GREATEST LOVES ~
Jessica and Jamie
My Greatest Loves
Acknowledgements and Links
Grins ~ n ~ Giggles
Janie's Cup of Tea
Jeanne's Jukebox
Jeanne's Christmas
Ken's Drawings
Jeanne's Family Recipes
Jeanne's Photo Album
Remembering Snooks