Jeanne's Photo Album
This section will show pictures of family and friends. I only have a few
pages started, but will have more, as I get old photos scanned in.
Pictures are important to us. There are few pictures around from our childhoods. Both of us lost our fathers at a young age. We have the one picture known to exist of his Dad as an adult. My older brother has the two of our Dad. The one
is Dad as a child. The other is Dad as an adult, but is so faded, one can't make out facial features. I was seven at the time of my Dad's death. Needless to say, my memories are few of him and I can't really call to mind what he looked liked. My husband and I decided long ago there would be pictures for the girls to have
and future generations, long after our time on this earth is over.
For those who are camera shy, get your picture taken from time to time.
They will be treasured by your families in years to come.
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Prom 1999
Jessica and Jamie
My Greatest Loves
Acknowledgements and Links
Grins ~ n ~ Giggles
Janie's Cup of Tea
Jeanne's Jukebox
Jeanne's Christmas
Ken's Drawings
Jeanne's Family Recipes
Jeanne's Photo Album
Remembering Snooks