Hi ~ my name is
Jeanne and I would like to welcome you to Jeanne's Sundae.
I am still very
new at this, so I ask you to please bear with me, as I try to
make this a relaxing
place to visit.
How did I come to
trying a webpage? I have thought about it from time to time,. but
was a little leary if I could do it or not. Recently a cyberfriend of mine
mentioned she would like to start a webpage. In an effort to help her try
to figure how to go about doing, I messed around with the Netscape Composer.
As we chatted about what we played with and learned, we got stuck. The
only way I could try to help figure things out was by setting up a page
of my own. Hence, the beginning of
Now ~ what should
this page be about. That one stumped me a little. My cyber pals mentioned
they always enjoy hearing about my family. My other interests include playing
on the computer, or should I say exchanging email and chatting. The web
also has provided me with a place to search out additional information
that I can use when trying to help my patients with learning about their
illnesses and how to live with it.
I also enjoy poetry.
Love to send out those email cards.
I have made close
friends through this computer, that has added alot of joy to my life, but
my greatest joy is my family, so I will start there.
I have often referred
to my family as my sundae in life. I remember our second daughter being
born and I told my Husband, Jim, that she was like the cherry on top, that
completes the sundae.
To start my sundae,
you need to take two scoops of Ice Cream:
My husband ~ Jim
and I
On 8/21/82, we added
the chocolate syrup to our sundae:
Our daughter ~ Jessica
On 9/24/86 we added
our "cherry on top" :
Our daughter ~ Jamie
You may have noted
all our names begin with "J". That was not intentional with the first child,
but when pregnant with the second we decided to continue the tradition.
We progressed with
our sundae as is till 1992. Decided it could use some nuts sprinkled
over it so with got hold of the "nuts"
Our dog ~ Sebastian.
Anyone ever owning
a basset will agree they are loveable ~nutty at times ~ a real joy. He
has brought alot of love and laughter to our family.In keeping with the
"J" tradition, the girls decided Sebastian's registered AKC name should
start with a "J" ~ his full name is Jeanne's Sebastian Osceola.
When I had my second
daughter in 1986, I said my family was complete. I made the statement that
" if I never get anything more out of life than what I have now, I am happy
and content"
I feel that statement
still holds true. God has given us many blessings over the years. We have
had our shares of up and downs, but we always managed to land on our feet
~ together ~