Claire's Page
Hi I'm Claire from sunny Devon, I am married to David. My husband is a HGV driver and has just started a new job. We have a son his name is Connor aged two and a girl aged 12 months called Megan.I have my hands full at the moment as we have moved into a house with three bedrooms.
There is a lot of decorating and modernising to be done. My father has extended and restyled the bathroom for us. We are waiting for a new bathroom window to be fitted and then I can decorate it. The bedroom ceilings have been renewed and the rooms decorated. The central heating has been installed, but the downstairs still needs to be done, I won't mention the kitchen, a lot of saving needs to be done first!!!
Do you notice the hair colouring of my children, take after there dad don't they, although I have a sister who has red hair so who knows. Well as you know time is precious at the moment, will try and put some more on my page later. Click on the bar below to take you to some other members of our family.

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